search using criteria in URL

9 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: June 19, 2009   (RSS)

By benedict - May 17, 2009 - edited: May 18, 2009

Hi guys,

I have gone to and it all seems straight forward but I can not get it to work.

I have a list page called library_newslist.php
In my link on another page I want it to find all the news items that have the service type of "Corporate Advisory". So I create this link:

<a href="library_newslist.php?service=Corporate%20Advisory">Click here</a> to read all news items related to Corporate Advisory

But it presents all the records, not just the ones I want.

Any idea what I am doing wrong?



Re: [benedict] search using criteria in URL

By benedict - May 18, 2009 - edited: May 18, 2009

OK, I have answered my own question. I forgot to remove this from my news list page:

'allowSearch' => '0',

This works fine now. Now for part 2 of my problem which refers to the resulting news list:

AS described earlier, my link says this:

<a href="library_newslist.php?service=Corporate%20Advisory">Click here</a> to read all news items related to Corporate Advisory

What I didn;t mention is that this link is on a detail page that has its info fed like this:

<a href="library_newslist.php?service=<?php echo $servicesRecord['title'] ?>">Click here</a> to read all news items related to <?php echo $servicesRecord['title'] ?>

This is all working fine. The only thing is that my newslist page just has a heading of "News". My Client would like it to say "News: Corporate Advisory". Is there any code I can use to pull the field from the URL onto the page next to my heading?

Re: [ross] search using criteria in URL

By benedict - May 27, 2009

Works great - thanks.

Re: [benedict] search using criteria in URL

By benedict - June 10, 2009


Just a follow up to this one - this works great except for those services that have an ampersand in them (for example "Acquisitions & Mergers"). Is there some code I should include to exclude the '&'?

Re: [benedict] search using criteria in URL

By ross - June 10, 2009

Hi Benedict

Glad to hear we are almost there :).

I think what you'll want to do with this one is HTML encode the values when you create the link itself. What I mean by that is take this bit of code:

<a href="library_newslist.php?service=<?php echo $servicesRecord['title'] ?>">Click here</a> to read all news items related to <?php echo $servicesRecord['title'] ?>

and replace it with this:

<a href="library_newslist.php?service=<?php echo htmlspecialchars($servicesRecord['title']) ?>">Click here</a> to read all news items related to <?php echo $servicesRecord['title'] ?>

That should help. If it doesn't, could you give me more details on what you mean by it doesn't work?

Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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Re: [ross] search using criteria in URL

By benedict - June 17, 2009

Hi Ross,

Sorry for the delay in replying. Still no luck with your revised code.

What it is presenting is a link like this:

a href="library_newslist.php?service=Distribution & Licensing"

Which is exactly what it did before with the old code. I just ran the search term through your encoder and it says that Distribution & Licensing should appear as:


But my browser is trying to create this link:


How do I get it to create the %26 instead of an '&'.?

Re: [benedict] search using criteria in URL

By ross - June 19, 2009

Hi Benedict.

Could you try using urlencode () instead of htmlentities()

That should get things going. Thanks!
Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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Re: [ross] search using criteria in URL

By benedict - June 19, 2009

That did the trick - you da man!