Multiple viewers on filtered detail page

7 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: April 30, 2009   (RSS)

By erinm356 - April 30, 2009

I have a detail page that has some additional viewers on it. All viewers work properly when I go directly to the page. However, when the detail page is filtered by linking to it from the list page, the two additional viewers do not display their content (I guess it's filtered out??).

News Detail page with no filter:
News Detail page with filter (same article):

On the page with the filter, Subscription Info and the copyright date are not displayed. Does anyone know how to get around this?

Thanks, Erin

Re: [erinm356] Multiple viewers on filtered detail page

By ross - April 30, 2009

Hi Erin

Thanks for posting!

Are other two viewers you have on that page list viewers or page viewers like the first one?

You can try adding:

'allowSearch' => '0',

to the second two viewers but if that doesn't work, could you post a copy of that whole page as an attachment for me to take a closer look at? Don't just post the code unless that's the only option as it's much harder to read that way.

Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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Re: [ross] Multiple viewers on filtered detail page

By erinm356 - April 30, 2009

The other two viewers are also detail viewers, but unlike the "News Detail" one, the other two have only one record. Where should I try adding the [font "Verdana"]'allowSearch' => '0' to?

[font "Verdana"]Thank you! Erin

news_detail.php 8K

Re: [erinm356] Multiple viewers on filtered detail page

By ross - April 30, 2009

Hi Erin

Thanks for posting that file. I see what you are doing now :).

The problem you are running into is that by default, detail viewers check the URL to see if you've specified a record number. It's always the last number in the URL.

Your first link doesn't have anything in the URL so it just loads the first record from each of the sections you listed.

The second link does have a record number but it only applies to one of your sections and not the others. Basically, it's trying to find record 5 in all three sections but the second two probably don't have a record 5.

Make sense so far?

What we need to figure out now is if you wanted to load a specific record from the second two sections or if it's ok to just display the first one all the time.

Still with me? Let me know what you think and we'll go from there.

Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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Re: [ross] Multiple viewers on filtered detail page

By erinm356 - April 30, 2009

I'm following... the other two only need the first record. (They're single record sections.)

Re: [ross] Multiple viewers on filtered detail page

By erinm356 - April 30, 2009

That worked beautifully. You are a genius, Ross! Thanks!