Image Upload Resizing Issue

13 posts by 6 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: March 24, 2009   (RSS)

By Dave - March 24, 2009

Hi Gary,

If you've unchecked all the options for that field in the field editor that say "Resize images larger than" and "Create Thumbnail" and it's still resizing then feel free to email a sample image and CMS login to me at and I can take a look for you. Note: email, don't post login details to the forum.

As for upgrades, my recommendation is that you only upgrade when needed (ideally when there is a new feature the client is paying you for). Feel free to skip upgrades or don't upgrade if you don't absolutely need to.

We see lots of sites that haven't upgraded in ages and they're just fine.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By Kenny - March 24, 2009

I'm just starting to move people into CMS Builder now, but I have over 100 sites. If every couple of weeks I have to update 100 sites to a new version of CMS Builder I will not have time to do any sales.

Just as an FYI - It takes about 8 hours to update around 100 installations of CMSB using an auto-installer program (PHP Package Foundry)

High School and College Interns are great for this.....
