Formatting text with a CMSB wysiwyg

5 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: March 16, 2009   (RSS)

Re: [NigelGordijk] Formatting text with a CMSB wysiwyg

By Dave - March 13, 2009

Hi Nigel,

There's a few things you could do here.

You could add the .pScheduleDetails class to cmsAdmin/css/wysiwyg.css so the text was stylized when it appeared in the wysiwyg.

You could comment out the options: paste_use_dialog and paste_auto_cleanup_on_paste in cmsAdmin/lib/wysiwyg.php to disable the auto "paste from word" cleanup so pasting html into the wysiwyg didn't automatically strip out the <p> classes.

You could paste in the HTML in the HTML popup window of the wysiwyg so the classes were preserved and not filtered out.

You could enable the styles pulldown in the wysiwyg so the end-user could select the pScheduleDetails from the pulldown instead of font size/face and apply it as needed.

Or you could update your CSS to apply to the elements and not the classes and give the schedule table a unique id. eg: #scheduleTable p { ... }

Let me know if any of those would work for you or how we can best help.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Formatting text with a CMSB wysiwyg

Hi, Dave.

>>You could enable the styles pulldown in the wysiwyg so the end-user could select the pScheduleDetails from the pulldown instead of font size/face and apply it as needed. <<

This seems to be the most feasible option, as the client will probably be typing straight into the fields, rather than copying and pasting. Please can you tell me how to add pScheduleDetails to the pulldown menu?

Nigel Gordijk

Common Sense Design: User-focused Web design
Tel: 001 519 342 5348 | Web:

Re: [NigelGordijk] Formatting text with a CMSB wysiwyg

By ross - March 16, 2009

Hi Nigel

Check out this tutorial:

It will go over how to enable your style drop down.
Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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Re: [ross] Formatting text with a CMSB wysiwyg

Thanks, Ross.
Nigel Gordijk

Common Sense Design: User-focused Web design
Tel: 001 519 342 5348 | Web: