Picture Gallery

22 posts by 8 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
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By avrom - February 11, 2008

Hi Dave,

Know your busy, so sorry for the extra post. I have a client that requires CMS as well as a picture gallery. I am wondering if I can just do a picture gallery with CMS Builder ? as long as pics can be reordered and deleted... galleries added etc. Does it also optimize uploaded pics or just reduce the physical size of them ?

Thanks Dave

Re: [virgodesign] Picture Gallery

By Dave - February 11, 2008

Hi Avrom, post away, that's what we're here for! :)

Yes you could. I'm thinking the simplest way to do that would be to have a section called "Galleries" with 2 fields "title" and "uploads". Then your "list viewer" would show all the gallery titles and your "page viewer" would show all the pictures for that gallery.

It could also be done other ways if needed.

It resizes uploaded images only if necessary and uses a default quality setting of 75 for jpegs, but that can be adjusted if needed.

Let me know if you have any more questions on that or if there's anything else I can do to help.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Picture Gallery

By avrom - February 12, 2008

Hi Dave,

Indeed it would, picture resizing and optimization then is not an issue.

The drag and drop feature is nice to... I will have to buy my own copy of CMS Builder and play around with it myself. (Can't use client's sites for testing) It looks like a great interface for all kinds of solutions.


Re: [virgodesign] Picture Gallery

Hang on when I did what you said to the box, NOT the pages like I tried after I made that post it worked like a champ.
I am sure that is what you ment for me to do in the first place, but as you can tell php and following instructions is not a strong point.

Thanks dave,
now if I can just style up a nice gallery instead of them all just going down a row


Re: [ChrisTitchenal] Picture Gallery

By Donna - February 13, 2008

Hi Chris!

To do that, take a look at your image gallery code -- you've probably got a <br> at the end of each <img> tag. Remove that, and it'll keep them on one line (automatically spilling over at the end of each line.)

Take a look at the article I wrote for our latest newsletter -- it includes some detail about how I made an image gallery (using a free script to spice it up a little as well):


I hope this helps. :)


Re: [Donna] Picture Gallery

Thanks, when I have time I will try to work something out with in CMS, right now this site has to be up and running by Monday. I am going to use gallery, I have used it in the past and can make it do what I need. Looks like you were using some css and a version of lightbox very nice is the lightbox tags put in automatically with each image upload? I wanted it to have one upload box and 25 slots for uploading then style it so it formated it 2x2. Thanks for the great article.


Re: [ChrisTitchenal] Picture Gallery

By Donna - February 14, 2008

Hi Chris,

Yes, you can setup specific fields for image uploads -- I created one for the "Title" (which is the only thing Lightbox needs extra) and added the code into the CMS Builder generated code, and voila. Probably took about 2 minutes in total to setup. :)


Re: [Donna] Picture Gallery

Hi, Donna.

I've set up CMS Builder with Lightbox 2 and it's all working perfectly (thanks to your article!). I'm using an early version of the software - 1.04.

Is there a way to reorder the photos in CMS Builder once they've already been added to the system?

Also, when I look at all of the photos that are in the system they appear in a small scrolling window in CMS Builder. Is there a way to make the window bigger so that you can see more of the images? This is in CMS Builder, not on my Web page: http://www.carv.ca/galleryPage.php

Nigel Gordijk

Common Sense Design: User-focused Web design
Tel: 001 519 342 5348 | Web: www.commonsensedesign.net

Re: [NigelGordijk] Picture Gallery

By Dave - January 23, 2009

Hi Nigel,

>Is there a way to reorder the photos in CMS Builder
>once they've already been added to the system?

Yes, we added this some time ago with drag sorting for uploads. If you upgrade that feature should become available.

Same thing with the upload window size. I think we doubled the size.

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer