Notice: CMS Builder v1.23 Released (November 6th)

29 posts by 6 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: November 21, 2008   (RSS)

Re: [Djulia] Notice: CMS Builder v1.23 Released (November 6th)

By Dave - November 20, 2008

It's only possible by modifying these files:


I hope to find time to rewrite and update the code generator soon, though. There's lots I want to add. I also want to make it more modular.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By Djulia - November 20, 2008 - edited: November 20, 2008

You knew that I would put this question !

[font "Verdana"]>> I also want to make it more modular.[/#800000]
That promises a great CMS !

[font "Verdana"]Thanks,

[font "Verdana"]Djulia

By Carrie - November 20, 2008

Hi Dave,

What is involved in the upgrade? E.g. just uploading some files - or is there re-configutation?



By Djulia - November 21, 2008

Hi Dave,

I excuse myself to still annoy you with this.

But, it would be possible to suggest the code for add the button Preview and Edit Section for Single Record ?

Thanks for your assistance.


Re: [Carrie] Notice: CMS Builder v1.23 Released (November 6th)

By Dave - November 21, 2008


Always backup by downloading your old files first, but to upgrade all you do is upload all the files in the zip.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Djulia] Notice: CMS Builder v1.23 Released (November 6th)

By Dave - November 21, 2008

Hi Djulia,

I've added the "Edit Section" and Advanced commands to the Add/Edit page. So they will appear for single record editors as well. This will be in v1.24.

Preview is harder because if a record hasn't been saved yet there is no record number to preview. What we might be able to do is have "Save & Preview" on the add page and "Preview" on the edit page.

What do you think?
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By Djulia - November 21, 2008

Hi Dave,

[font "Verdana"]>> What we might be able to do is have "Save & Preview" ...
That would be perfect for me. [:)]

Thanks, Djulia.

Re: [Djulia] Notice: CMS Builder v1.23 Released (November 6th)

By Dave - November 21, 2008

Ok, that one is a bit more work but I'll put it on the list for v1.24. We have a few custom jobs that we need that for as well so I've been thinking about ways to do it.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer