Word on Real Estate v of CMS and Newsletter Integration

3 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: September 15, 2008   (RSS)

By MikeF - September 11, 2008

Hi folks,
any eta on the real estate verson of the cms and have you considered intergrating the newsletter tool into it?

Any thoughts on how idx friendly the real estate cms will be?

Will there be any real estate tools for customers, save properties, save searches, subscribe unsubscribe from newletter, lead capture, and customer management tools...? What too much CRM for CMS? [;)]
Have GREAT day!

Re: [MikeF] Word on Real Estate v of CMS and Newsletter Integration

By Dave - September 11, 2008

Hi Mike,

We currently recommend CMS Builder over Realty Manager for Realty sites. It does everything RM does. We're working on a branded "CMS for Realty" product page for it and maybe some more pre-made templates and then we'll release that.

And yes, we plan to integrate all of our future products (including the email newsletter) into the CMS Builder platform. Ideally they'll be pluggable so you can easily add and remove components.

We haven't done any work on IDX importers for CMS Builder, but I've done a number of CSV, XML and other importers from all kinds of other sites and could certainly write a custom importer for whatever kind of IDX data you have.

We've done custom version of save properties, save searches, etc for customers and hope/plan to add more of those things in future to a branded Realty bundle. They won't be in the first release though.

Because of how CMS works it can manage all kinds of data like that quite easily.

Hope that helps! Let me know if you need anything else.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer