Undefined index: createdByUserNum......

6 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: June 18, 2008   (RSS)

Re: [philb] Undefined index: createdByUserNum......

By Dave - June 18, 2008

Hi Philippe,

Are you using the 'joinTable' option or working with the sample realty templates? If so, try removing the 'joinTable' option.

If that's not it, can you attach your viewer to the post so I can have a look? Thanks!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Undefined index: createdByUserNum......

By philb - June 18, 2008 - edited: June 18, 2008

Hi Dave,

I'm not using template and I don't know about the joinTable option.

This is what I did.

1- In section Editor I created a new multi-record Editor;
2- Added the fields I needed;
3- Set the other tabs, Viewers URL, Searching, Sorting & Advanced;
4- Got the code selecting List Page.
5- Created a simple test page with the code and modifying it to display the way it will be (simple test no css);
6- Uploaded the file (http://www.pb3d.com/test/ventes_de_lotsList.php).

I just bought your cms yesterday and I'm doing some test to see if it will be OK for my project.
So far it's a wonderful piece of software and I wish I add found it earlier.

Thanks for your time


ventes_de_lotslist.php 2K

Re: [philb] Undefined index: createdByUserNum......

By Dave - June 18, 2008

Great description, that made it really easy for me to reproduce. Thanks. :)

It's a bug. It happens when you don't have a 'createdByUserNum' field. By default the viewers will load in extra fields about the record creator such as createdBy.fullname, createdBy.email, etc.

I've added a fix for this to the next version. Here's how you can apply it now.

- Open /lib/viewer_functions.php
- Make a backup copy of that file.
- Search for "Add createdBy.fields to records" (around line 65)
- add the code in red to the line below it (or just replace the line)

if (@$options['loadCreatedBy'] && @$schema['createdByUserNum']) { _getRecords_joinTable($rows, $options, 'accounts'); }

Another approach is to just add this line (in red) to your viewer code:

list($ventes_de_lotsRecords, $ventes_de_lotsMetaData) = getRecords(array(
'tableName' => 'ventes_de_lots',
'loadCreatedBy' => false,

Let me know if either of those fixes it, and thanks for reporting this!

Hope that helps, let me know if you need anything else.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Undefined index: createdByUserNum......

By philb - June 18, 2008

WOW Dave!

This is what I call excellent service[;)]

I tried both fix and they both work.

I'm going to use the first one (the modification in the viewer_functions.php file).

With the update to fix this will I have to undo the change to the viewer_functions.php file or will the update contain a new viewer_functions.php?

Thanks for such good and fat response.


Re: [philb] Undefined index: createdByUserNum......

By Dave - June 18, 2008

Glad to help! :)

The next version will have an updated viewer_functions.php so you won't need to worry about it. You can just overwrite the file.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer