Notice: Roadmap & Feature Requests (post feature requests here)

41 posts by 14 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: June 3, 2008   (RSS)

By Dave - April 5, 2008 - edited: April 17, 2008

Hi Everybody! :)

I wanted to tell you about some of features coming soon, and give you a chance to request features you (or your clients) need for upcoming versions.

With CMS Builder we've taken the approach of releasing early and often so we can get features out to you faster and get your feedback faster as well. This is a development philosophy what lets us keep in touch with what the real needs of the community are.

We have a huge list of features planned for the future. Here's the top ones we're working on right now. All of these have been requested by multiple forum users:

Multi Section Search - The ability to search multiple sections at the same time. Much like a generic search engine. (Added in v1.13)

Comments - The ability to add comments to a page such as seen on popular blogs and websites.

Add record function - A generic function or method to allow adding records to the database from outside the program. This will start basic but could be used for user signup scripts, comments, etc.

Multiple Value Fields - The ability to store multiple values in one field (such as selecting multiple checkboxes or multiple items in a pulldown).

Note: These will be released in the order of completion and as always technical challenges and other issues can sometime delay or sidetrack development plans. So don't bank on it until it's done, but this is what we're working on.

Please post your feature requests below. We'll review this thread for popular requests when planning upcoming versions.

Thanks! :)
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] CMS Builder - Roadmap & Feature Requests (post feature requests here)

By DHester - April 7, 2008

Hi Dave,

I'd like to request the option to create and addition thumbnail when uploading images.



This would allow me to show the thumbnail in the article summary, the preview in the full article, and clicking the thumb/preview would display the larger image ( 440 pixels wide in this example ).

This may be to resource intensive. But it would sure be nice to have. I use thickbox and other image display tools to handle images. Having 3 sizes available would provide lots of flexibility to designers and requires no additional work from the end-user since it's all automatic [;)]

Just a suggestion.

Keep up all the great work!
Darren Hester

Re: [Dave] CMS Builder - Roadmap & Feature Requests (post feature requests here)

By aev - April 8, 2008

We would like to see these two first:

- Multi Section Search
- Multiple Value Fields

Thanks for making all these great features at an impressive pace!


Re: [aev] CMS Builder - Roadmap & Feature Requests (post feature requests here)

By DHester - April 8, 2008

I agree with you aev, the multi-select/value feature would be extremely useful. Certainly more of a priority than adding the additional thumbnail option.
Darren Hester

Re: [ChrisTitchenal] CMS Builder - Roadmap & Feature Requests (post feature requests here)

By Dave - April 9, 2008

Hi Chris, so what would the form do? It would let a web visitor add a record to a section? I'm not totally clear on what you mean? Can you give a little more detail?
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] CMS Builder - Roadmap & Feature Requests (post feature requests here)

By Chris_t - April 9, 2008

For example we work with many charities They use forms like, sign up to RSVP for our golf tournament. Then the next month it will be for a silent auction, ect... The form just sends what they fill out to an email address. I guess that it could send to a new database field called RSVP and they could look in the CMS to see the list.

Thanks for asking Dave

Re: [ChrisTitchenal] CMS Builder - Roadmap & Feature Requests (post feature requests here)

By Dave - April 9, 2008

So an email form manager that could optionally save to the database. Ok, I get it. Thanks for the suggestion, that's a good idea.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] CMS Builder - Roadmap & Feature Requests (post feature requests here)

By InHouse - April 10, 2008

I think a Duplicate Section Editor command (with and without data) would be useful.

The contact form suggestion is also welcome.

How about a generic data collection form? It could either email the form content and/or write it to a database. Covers several bases that way.

I'd love the ability to insert either PHP or JavaScript in an escaped code mode so we could use the CMS to send control info into the site code.

This is more of an FCK editor item, but the color changes introduced to GIF images during upload are quite striking. Try uploading a white GIF and see what you get... it gets the dingies! Being able to view all the previously uploaded images in the system would be useful too.

And... of course... the multi-section search. That's a biggie but I know Dave and the good folks at Interactive Tools are on top of that one already.


Re: [Dave] CMS Builder - Roadmap & Feature Requests (post feature requests here)

By mheller - April 12, 2008 - edited: April 12, 2008

Forum (just like this one)

RSS Feeds to News Section Component

Multiple Media formats (not just images) support for Flash, Silverlight, Audio, Video

Spreadsheet type Lists (with spreadsheet type interfaces so users can add,delete and update rows of data like an excel spread sheet) and visitors could do column sorts