Modify the value of createdByUserNum

7 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: March 19, 2008   (RSS)

By Djulia - March 19, 2008


I would like retroactively to modify the value of createdByUserNum in the sector of administration.

There is a solution ?

Thank you for your assistance.


Re: [Djulia] Modify the value of createdByUserNum

By Djulia - March 19, 2008

Oops !!! [blush]

Excuse my question, I found the answer.

In section Admin > Advanced Commands...


Re: [Djulia] Modify the value of createdByUserNum

By Djulia - March 19, 2008 - edited: March 19, 2008

In fact, I need a help : [blush][blush]

1) Which are the values for List Options ?

Admin > Section Editors > Field Editor

Field Label : Created By
Field Name : createdByUserNum
Field Type : list
Display As : pulldown

List Options : Use options listed below

0 == ???
1 == ???
2 == ??? (admin)
3 == ??? (user)[/#0080c0]

Required : selected

Field Attributes :
System Field - restrict field editor access to this field (no selected[/#ff0000])
Admin Only - Field can only be modified by program or section admin users (selected[/#ff0000])

2) But, it seems that the field cannot be edited.
Error message : Field 'createdByUserNum' must be set to type 'none'.[/#0000ff]

Thank you for your assistance. [:)]


Re: [Dave] Modify the value of createdByUserNum

By Djulia - March 19, 2008

Thank you Dave, [:)]

Oops ! I think that simplest is to employ a MySQL editing program.



Re: [Dave] Modify the value of createdByUserNum

By Djulia - March 19, 2008

Another question.

You can give the values ?

0 == ???
1 == ???
2 == ??? (admin)
3 == ??? (user)[/#0080c0]

Thanks, [:)]


Re: [Djulia] Modify the value of createdByUserNum

By Dave - March 19, 2008

If you can, that's _definitely_ the simplest! :)

I use 'MySQL Query Browser' for that. It's free, runs on my desktop, and by the MySQL folks. phpMyAdmin is good for that too. Not all web hosts let you connect remotely to MySQL.

If anyone wants to check out MySQL Query Browser you can here:
Dave Edis - Senior Developer