Products Page and Paypal

12 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: February 25, 2008   (RSS)

By Djulia - February 13, 2008 - edited: February 16, 2008


I would like to create a Array, but I encounter a problem.

I have a section Shop and I would like to obtain the list of the products in a table (Array).

Here the structure of my section :

Shop :
Product1 : item_name, item_number, amount, ...
Product2 : item_name, item_number, amount, ...

Shop == Section Name
ProductXX == Page
item_xx == Field

Now, I would like to obtain a page (catolog.php) with the articles in tables (Array) :

$items = array(
'item_name' => 'Product1',
'item_number' => 'sw01',
'amount' => '30.50',
'on0' => 'Delivery',
'os0' => 'Instant download',
'on1' => 'Option Name',
'os1' => 'Option Value',
'file' => '/home/domain/files/',
'item_name' => 'Product2',
'item_number' => 'song02',
'amount' => '0.50',
'on0' => 'Delivery',
'os0' => 'Instant download',
'on1' => 'Format',
'os1' => 'MP3',
'file' => '/home/domain/file.mp3',


I do not see how to obtain this.

Thank you for your assistance.


Re: [Djulia] Catalogs Page

By Dave - February 13, 2008

So this is for some custom PHP coding your doing?

I think if you take a look at $listRows, it's in the exact format you're looking for. Try this:

<xmp><?php print_r($listRows); ?></xmp>

Does that help?
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Catalogs Page

By Djulia - February 14, 2008

Thank you Dave for your assistance. [:)]

In fact, I try to use a Cart-based system to process orders Paypal. The system gives the possibility to use dynamic PHP code to create the list of items from a database.

Items in the catalog.php file are stored in a PHP array format called $items which is an array of associative arrays.

Also, your solution is correct. But I still have a problem and I do not know if the origin is the table created or script. I await an answer of the editor.

If not, it is possible to obtain a array with only some entries ?

Currently, I obtain :

[0] => Array
[num] => 1
[item_number] => sw01
[amount] => 30
[item_name] => Test Software Widget
[_link] => /paypal/productsPage.php/1/

I could obtain :

[0] => Array
[item_number] => sw01
[amount] => 30
[item_name] => Test Software Widget

It is perhaps the origin of my problem.
Thank you for your answer.


Re: [Dave] Catalogs Page

By Djulia - February 15, 2008

Hi Dave,

With the assistance of the editor (and you), we found the solution.
The script (and others) works perfectly with your CMS.

That reinforces my opinion on the many possibilities of your CMS. [;)]

Thank at you and your team. [:)]


Re: [Dave] Catalogs Page

By Djulia - February 21, 2008 - edited: February 21, 2008

Hi Dave,

I have a new challenge for CMS Builder.

I would like to add several elements at the end of my table (array) with the function array_push.

I tested : [blush]

require_once "/home/../lib/viewer_functions.php";
$options = array_push[/#ff0000]();
$options['tableName'] = 'products';

But that gives an error message :
Warning: Wrong parameter count for array_push() in /home/../myPage.php on line xx

An example of what I must obtain :

section 1

$items = array (

array (
'item_name' => 'Cotton T-Shirt',
'item_number' => 'on1',
'amount' => '9.50',

section 2
<?PHP array_push ($items,

array (
'item_name' => 'Shirt',
'item_number' => 'os8',
'amount' => '19.99',

where array == section 1
and array_push == section 2

You think that there is a solution ?

Thank you for your assistance.


Re: [Dave] Catalogs Page

By Djulia - February 22, 2008 - edited: February 22, 2008

Thank you Dave for your answer.

In fact, I am lost a little.

I tested in catalog.php :

require_once "/home/../lib/viewer_functions.php";
$options = array();
$options['tableName'] = 'products1';
$options['perPage'] = '9999';
$options['where'] = '1';
list($items1, $listDetails) = getListRows($options);

require_once "/home/../lib/viewer_functions.php";
$options = array();
$options['tableName'] = 'products2';
$options['perPage'] = '9999';
$options['where'] = '1';
list($items2, $listDetails) = getListRows($options);

$stack = array_push($items1, $items2);

<xmp><?php print_r($stack); ?></xmp>

But, that gives the correct number of the recordings, but does not give the table.

You have an idea ?

Thank you for your assistance.


Re: [Dave] Catalogs Page

By Djulia - February 22, 2008

I obtained the table, but that does not correspond to my need.

$stack = array_push($items1, $items2);
$items = $items1;

The result gives a new table in the table.

[0] => Array
[num] => 1
[item_number] => R02
[amount] => 29.99

[1] => Array
[num] => 2
[item_number] => R01
[amount] => 19.99


[4] => Array
[0] => Array
[num] => 1
[item_number] => P1
[item_name] => P1
[amount] => 10



You think that it is possible to have only one table ?

[0] => Array
[num] => 1
[item_number] => R02
[amount] => 29.99

[1] => Array
[num] => 2
[item_number] => R01
[amount] => 19.99


[4] => Array
[num] => 1
[item_number] => P1
[item_name] => P1
[amount] => 10

Thank you for your assistance.


Re: [Djulia] Catalogs Page

By Dave - February 22, 2008

Hi Djulia,

array_push() pushes a reference (or pointer) to $items2 on the end of $item1. Try array_merge(). I think that will do what you want.

$stack = array_merge($items1, $items2);

See these links for more details:

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Catalogs Page

By Djulia - February 23, 2008 - edited: February 23, 2008

Thank you Dave for your assistance,

Your solution is correct, but it does not function with script.

In fact, the script functions with 2 catalog files :

// include the product catalog file in cart.php
require_once ('catalog1.php');
require_once ('catalog2.php');

The array (items, declared in catalog1.php) is built with these 2 files and the function array_push used in the file catalog2.php.

The code that I currently use in catalog2.php is : <?php
require_once "/home/.../lib/viewer_functions.php";
$options['tableName'] = 'products';
$options['perPage'] = '9999';
$options['where'] = '1';
list($pr) = getListRows($options);
array_push($items, $pr);

And, it gives me 2 arrays :

array_push ($items, array(
'item_name' => 'Product1',
'item_number' => 'pr_01',
'amount' => '19.99',

But, I only need 1 array :

array_push ($items,
'item_name' => 'Product1',
'item_number' => 'pr_01',
'amount' => '19.99',

I tested :

require_once "/home/.../lib/viewer_functions.php";
$options['tableName'] = 'products';
$options['perPage'] = '9999';
$options['where'] = '1';
list($pr_) = getListRows($options);
array_push($items, $options);

That functions with the script, but does not give the good values.

It would be possible to use something like this :

array_push($items, getListRows($options));

You think that there is a solution ?

