MultiPage option

6 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: December 27, 2007   (RSS)

By Djulia - December 23, 2007 - edited: December 24, 2007

Hi Dave,

I excuse myself to still annoy you.
But, I have a new question.

I use the MultiPage option for a category.
Now, to indicate the order of the page, I created a Order column :

Field Label : Order
Field Name : order
Field Type : text field

Required : checked
Unique : checked

Min Length : 1
Max Length : 1

Allowed Content : Only : 0123456789

1) It would be possible to obtain on the page /admin.php?menu=MyPage, the Order column ?
( Order | Titre | Action ) The reading of Order would be easier.

2) It is possible to indicate a "size" value for text field ?

Thank you for assistance.


PS: the Drag option is perfect for the admin (…)

Re: [Djulia] MultiPage option

By Dave - December 23, 2007

No problem at all, they're great questions.

In the section editor, edit "ListPage Fields" to specify which columns you want displayed in the section menu. For example, setting it to "order, title" would display order and then title.

Next, there's no way to specify a size for a text field (like <input type="text" size="###" ...> in html). But we can add an option for that in the next upgrade version if you'd like.

Hope that helps.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] MultiPage option

By Djulia - December 23, 2007

It is perfect, I had not noticed this option.

But we can add an option for that in the next upgrade version if you'd like.

Yes, it would be well. [:)]

Thank you Dave.


Re: [Dave] MultiPage option

By Djulia - December 24, 2007 - edited: December 24, 2007

Hi Dave,

This configuration also enables me to limit the number of page which the user can create.

There would be a simpler solution to limit the number of page than the user can create ?

Thank you for your answer.


Re: [Djulia] MultiPage option

By Dave - December 24, 2007

Do you mean limit the number of records that could be created in a section? Or something else?

There's no way to do that right now other than limiting how many records are displayed through the viewer but we could add a "maxRecords" setting for sections for the next version if you wanted.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer