jobs serch by postcode

By (Deleted User) - December 23, 2010

[font "Calibri"]Hi there [/#000000]

[font "Calibri"]I have an issue whereby I am trying to add a search facility to a recruitment website, to search of jobs by postcode then display all result within given distance for example 10 miles etc.[/#000000]

[font "Calibri"]Can you please help, I was thinking is there a way of using the new Google Geocoder to all the hard work and then allow it to matching all job enters form our CMS database then display them as job listing and not on a Google map [/#000000]

[font "Calibri"] [/#000000]

[font "Calibri"]Michael [/#000000]

Re: [mgobey] jobs serch by postcode

By Chris - December 23, 2010

Hi Michael,

Our Geocoder Plugin has an example page which does exactly that; you can see an example of it in the video. However, you may want to check out Google's terms of service for their geocoding service — I believe you're required to display your results on a Google map.

If that doesn't work for you, you could go with another geocoding service. Our consulting department could customize the plugin for you to work with another service. Please let me know if this is something you're interested in.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.
All the best,