Newsletter Builder - Extra dot in URL string

By Ryan - January 20, 2016 - edited: January 20, 2016

Hi All,

Getting a strange issue with Newsletter Builder were my confirmation emails have double dots in the URL string. The extra dot is causing 404 errors and users are unable to confirm signup.

I've checked newsletterBuilder.php

// define placeholders - values defined lower in the list can use placeholder defined above them in the list
  // internal placeholders (undocumented)
  $placeholders['manage_url']      = $newsletterSettings['manage_url'];

  // public placeholders - values defined lower in the list can use placeholder defined above them in the list
  $placeholders['email_header']    = ''; // placeholder removed in v2.03 - remove the placeholder if it's left in old newsletter content
  $placeholders['email_footer']    = ''; // placeholder removed in v2.03 - remove the placeholder if it's left in old newsletter content
  $placeholders['hostname']        = coalesce( @parse_url($GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['adminUrl'], PHP_URL_HOST), 'PROGRAM_URL_NOT_SET' );
  $placeholders['from_name']       = $newsletterSettings['from_name'];
  $placeholders['from_email']      = $newsletterSettings['from_email'];
  $placeholders['to_email']        = $to_email;
  $placeholders['archive_url']     = $newsletterSettings['archive_url'];
  $placeholders['confirm_url']     = $newsletterSettings['manage_url'] . "?n=$subscriberNum&a=$subscriberAuthkey";
  $placeholders['unsubscribe_url'] = $newsletterSettings['manage_url'] . "?n=$subscriberNum&a=$subscriberAuthkey&m=$messageNum&u=1"; // if usernum(n) isn't specified user will just

I checked the values in the DB and the extra dot does not appear in there either.

Anyone any ideas on what's causing this?

CMSB Version 2.62
Newsletter Builder Version: 3.01

By gregThomas - January 22, 2016

Hi mjftech,

Could the issue be there is an extra dot in your Manage URL? You can check this by logging into your CMS, then going to CMS Builder -> Settings, then checking the Manage URL field.

If this isn't the cause of the issue, you can fill out a second level support request here:

Then I can take a closer look into the cause. 



Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer -