Need plugin alter Save behavior

By rconring - April 10, 2013

How difficult would it be to create a plugin that would provide the ability to alter the return URL upon saving a record in the Admin section?  Ideally, the URL would return to the address from whence it was called.  I could then call the CMSB update procedure from a list page (membership protected) on the front end and have it return upon save.  I can use the edit procedure now, but it returns to the CMSB list page instead of the page I called it from.

Ron Conring
Conring Automation Services
Software for Business and Industry Since 1987

By Dave - April 10, 2013

Hi Ron,

The "Related Records" field already does something like this.  Try adding "returnUrl=" to the edit url, like this:


Let me know if that works for you.

Dave Edis - Senior Developer