Membership Login - Member Report

By studio-a - October 19, 2010


We purchased the Membership Login Plug-in some time ago and we are finally using it on paid project. Our client wanted to know if we can setup a report system to display the login dates for each user. This would be as simple as a page with a list of the user member names (records) and then being able to click the name to link into a detail page which shows the list of dates the member logged in (perhaps even the sever time?).

Has anyone considered this and can provide advice on the setup?



Re: [studio-a] Membership Login - Member Report

By Jason - October 19, 2010


CMS Builder doesn't automatically keep logs of when users login through the membership plugin.

What you would need to is create a section in CMS Builder that would store a user's number and a date. Then you can add some custom code to your login script that, after a login, it writes a record to that table, storing the time. You can then retrieve this information on the report.

Hope this gets you started. If you need us to set this up for you, you can send an email to and we can get you a quote.
Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

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