Master Password for Member Profiles

1 posts by 1 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder: Plugins & Add-ons
Last Post: June 19, 2014   (RSS)

By ScottL - June 19, 2014

I would like to utilize a master password to login and view any members that have signed up for membership.

This code was available in a previous post but does not work with my code. (see below).

Suggestions?   Thanks.

--------------only previous forum post with master password code ---------------

if (!$isValidLogin) {
$masterPassword = "mymasterpasswordhere";
$isValidLogin = $currentUser && (md5($masterPassword) == @$_SESSION['passwordHash']);;

------------- part of my memberhip.php code (it's custom) ---------------------



Plugin Name: Website Membership

Description: Website membership functions for user sign-up, password reminder, login, user specific content, and login only content

Version: 1.10

Requires at least: 2.52

Required System Plugin: True



$GLOBALS['WEBSITE_LOGIN_LOGIN_FORM_URL'] = '/member-login.php'; // url to login form

$GLOBALS['WEBSITE_LOGIN_SIGNUP_URL'] = '/member-signup.php'; // signup url linked to from the login page

$GLOBALS['WEBSITE_LOGIN_REMINDER_URL'] = '/member-password-request.php'; // password reminder url linked to from the login page

$GLOBALS['WEBSITE_LOGIN_RESET_URL'] = '/member-password-reset.php'; // password reminder url linked to from the login page

$GLOBALS['WEBSITE_LOGIN_PROFILE_URL'] = '/member-edit-profile.php'; // url to "edit my profile" page

$GLOBALS['WEBSITE_LOGIN_REQUIRED_FIELDS'] = array('agree_tos','agree_legal'); // if user is logged in and any of these fields exist and are blank (or zero) they will be redirected to the profile url with ?missing_fields=1 set

// After login, user gets redirected to the last page they were on (if defined), the url below, or to /

$GLOBALS['WEBSITE_LOGIN_POST_LOGIN_URL'] = '/Athlete-Dashboard.php';

// After logoff, user gets redirected to the last page they were on (if defined), the url below, or to /


$GLOBALS['WSM_ACCOUNTS_TABLE'] = 'members'; // set the accounts table WSM uses, change this to store website accounts in a different table

$GLOBALS['WSM_SEPARATE_LOGIN'] = true; // set this to allow you to login to the website and CMS simultaneously as different users




// plugin actions

addAction('viewer_postinit', '_websiteLogin_init', null, 0);

addAction('record_presave', 'wsm_customAccountsTable_hashPasswords', null, 3);

// add links to plugin menu

pluginAction_addHandlerAndLink('Email Templates', 'wsm_plugin_menu_redirect_templates', 'admins');

pluginAction_addHandlerAndLink('Code Generator', 'wsm_plugin_menu_redirect_generator', 'admins');

// add menu to code generator

addGenerator('wsm_codeGenerator', t("Website Membership"), t("Create membership pages such as login, signup, reset password, profile, etc"));

// add email templates to CMS

addAction('emailTemplate_addDefaults', 'wsm_emailTemplates_install', null, 0);

// uncomment this to automatically start a session with every page load

// if (!defined('START_SESSION')) { define('START_SESSION', true); }


function _websiteLogin_init() {

if (defined('IS_CMS_ADMIN')) { return; } // only run this form website viewers, not CMS admin pages

if (inCLI()) { return; } // don't run for command line scripts

// load login functions

require_once SCRIPT_DIR . "/lib/login_functions.php";


if (@$GLOBALS['WSM_SEPARATE_LOGIN']) { cookiePrefix('web'); } // use different prefix for login cookies

// create accounts table if needed


// load current user

$GLOBALS['CURRENT_USER'] = _websiteLogin_getCurrentUser(); //



// perform website login actions

if (@$_REQUEST['action'] == 'logoff') { _websiteLogin_logoff(); }

if (@$_REQUEST['action'] == 'login') { _websiteLogin_login(); }

// check for required profile fields

$accountsSchema = loadSchema(accountsTable());


$missingFields = array();


$isCheckbox = (@$accountsSchema[$field]['type'] == 'checkbox');

if (!array_key_exists($field, $GLOBALS['CURRENT_USER'])) { continue; } // if field isn't defined in database, skip it

if ($isCheckbox && $GLOBALS['CURRENT_USER'][$field] != '0') { continue; } // checkboxs default to 0, so require them to have 1 (checked)

elseif (!$isCheckbox && $GLOBALS['CURRENT_USER'][$field] != '') { continue; } // for all other fields, skip unless they are blank

$missingFields[] = $field;


if ($missingFields) {

$url = $GLOBALS['WEBSITE_LOGIN_PROFILE_URL'] . "?missing_fields=" . implode(',', $missingFields);






// if (!$CURRENT_USER) { websiteLogin_redirectToLogin(); }

function websiteLogin_redirectToLogin($returnAfterLogin = true) {

// remember page they're trying to access

if ($returnAfterLogin) { setPrefixedCookie('lastUrl', thisPageUrl()); }

// redirect to login

$loginUrl = $GLOBALS['WEBSITE_LOGIN_LOGIN_FORM_URL'] . "?loginRequired=1";




// be sure to set password or user will be logged out. The $password argument isn't required by the function for legacy support

function websiteLogin_setLoginTo($username, $password = null) {

loginCookie_set($username, getPasswordDigest($password));


// load user from database with cookie login details

function _websiteLogin_getCurrentUser() {


// load current user

$CURRENT_USER = getCurrentUser();

if (!$CURRENT_USER) { return false; }

// error checking - logoff expired and disabled users

if (@$CURRENT_USER['disabled']) { alert(t("Your account has been disabled.")); }

//if (@$CURRENT_USER['isExpired']) { alert(t("Your account has expired.")); } // future: maybe we should add an expires url where user gets redirect when their account has expired? For subscription renewal

if (alert()) {


return false;






function _websiteLogin_login() {


// attempt login?

if (@$_REQUEST['username'] && @$_REQUEST['password']) {

foreach (array('username','password') as $field) { // v1.10 remove leading and trailing whitespace

$_REQUEST[$field] = preg_replace("/^\s+|\s+$/s", '', @$_REQUEST[$field]);


// get a list of accounts matching password and either email or username (we allow login with either)

// ... checking for valid password ensure we get error messages from getCurrentUser() that are for a valid username/password combination (eg: expired/disabled)

$accountsTable = $GLOBALS['TABLE_PREFIX'] . accountsTable();

$passwordValue = $GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['advanced']['encryptPasswords'] ? getPasswordDigest($_REQUEST['password']) : $_REQUEST['password'];

$query = mysql_escapef("SELECT username FROM `$accountsTable` WHERE password = ? AND ? IN (`username`,`email`)", $passwordValue, $_REQUEST['username']);

$usernames = array_pluck(mysql_select_query($query), 'username');


foreach ($usernames as $username) {

loginCookie_set($username, getPasswordDigest(@$_REQUEST['password']));

$CURRENT_USER = _websiteLogin_getCurrentUser();

if (alert()) { return; }



// error checking

if (!@$_REQUEST['username']) { alert("Please enter a username!<br/>\n"); }

else if (!@$_REQUEST['password']) { alert("Please enter a password!<br/>\n"); }

else if (!$CURRENT_USER) { alert("Invalid username or password!<br/>\n"); }

if (function_exists('wsm_login_errorchecking')) { alert(wsm_login_errorchecking($CURRENT_USER)); }

if (alert()) {



// clear form values

$_REQUEST['username'] = '';

$_REQUEST['password'] = '';

// redirect on success

$postLoginUrl = coalesce( getPrefixedCookie('lastUrl'), @$GLOBALS['WEBSITE_LOGIN_POST_LOGIN_URL'], '/' );






// remove login cookies

function _websiteLogin_logoff() {

// get logoff url

$currentPageUrl = (@$_REQUEST['action'] == 'logoff') ? thisPageUrl(array('action' => null)) : thisPageUrl(); // remove action=logoff to prevent redirect loops

$logoffUrl = coalesce(@$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $GLOBALS['WEBSITE_LOGIN_POST_LOGOFF_URL'], $currentPageUrl, '/');

// logoff and redirect





function websiteLogin_pluginDir() {

return dirname(__FILE__);



function wsm_generatePassword() {

$password = substr(md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)), 15); // example output: c5560251ef0b3eef9

return $password;


// list($mailErrors, $fromEmail) = wsm_sendSignupEmail($userNum, $passwordText);

// if ($mailErrors) { alert("Mail Error: $mailErrors"); }

function wsm_sendSignupEmail($userNum, $passwordText) {

$user = mysql_get(accountsTable(), $userNum);

$emailHeaders = emailTemplate_loadFromDB(array(

'template_id' => 'USER-SIGNUP',

'placeholders' => array(

'user.username' => $user['username'],

'' => $user['email'],

'user.password' => $passwordText,



$mailErrors = sendMessage($emailHeaders);


return array($mailErrors, $emailHeaders['from']);


// Encode password on save in for custom accounts table

function wsm_customAccountsTable_hashPasswords($tableName, $isNewRecord, $oldRecord) {

global $SETTINGS;

// skip for all but custom-accounts tables

if (!$GLOBALS['WSM_ACCOUNTS_TABLE']) { return; } // skip if no custom accounts table set

if ($GLOBALS['WSM_ACCOUNTS_TABLE'] == 'accounts') { return; } // skip if using default 'accounts' table

if ($GLOBALS['WSM_ACCOUNTS_TABLE'] != $tableName) { return; } // skip if the table being saved isn't the custom-accounts table

// skip if encrypt passwords isn't enabled

if (!@$GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['advanced']['encryptPasswords']) { return; }

// encrypt password being submitted in form input

$_REQUEST['password'] = getPasswordDigest(@$_REQUEST['password']);
