Geotagger - infowindows

By shawnpatoka - October 24, 2012

I've been looking at my code and the samples code, but i cant seem to figure out why my pins in my map just link directly to the details page. I would prefer it if an infowindow were to pop up when you click on a pin

Re: [shawnpatoka] Geotagger - infowindows

By gregThomas - October 24, 2012

Could you attach/post your code so I can compare it to the sample code? I would guess that it might be something to do with the layout or set up of the marker_infowindow_X div at the bottom of the page.

Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer -

Re: [greg] Geotagger - infowindows

By shawnpatoka - October 25, 2012

nevermind, i had a typo in there. thanks tho