Email membership

By pbsahost - April 24, 2012

I am using the membership plugin and I have setup another multi-record section editor with membership types that gets assigned in the member account and I setup an email membership single record section. In this email membership section I have a From address textfield, a TO address pulldown(multi value) list of the membership types so you can select which groups receive this email, a subject textfield, a greeting textfield and a content wysiwyg editor. I have created an email script that can select the membership type from the email member section and match all member accounts that have that membership type and email the message that is saved in the email member section. I would really like to just add a save and send button to the editor. So an admin can "Save" "Cancel" or "Save and Send". First of all is it possible to combine this into a plugin in any way? If so can someone please direct me how to do something like this? Thanks.

Re: [pbsahost] Email membership

By Jason - April 25, 2012


Yes, this is possible to do. When creating your plugin, you need to first have code that will use the CMS Builder filter edit_buttonsRight. You can use this filter to create your button on the page. After that, you'll need a function that will capture the event your button causes and perform your emailing actions.

For an example of a plugin that creates a button and then executes special functions when it is clicked, take a look at the Save & Copy plugin:

This is a free plugin, so it's a good place to start. It should give you a good idea of how to set this up.

Hope this helps
Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

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Re: [Jason] Email membership

By pbsahost - April 25, 2012

Thanks Jason, I will take a look at this and see what I can do.