Create pdf

By 4cdg - October 25, 2010

Getting a failed message on the test server requirements page
  • Failed! Test running PDF conversion program on server Testing pdf binary with command: /usr/local/www/ -V
    Result: 0 bytes returned
    Error: No output returned from command! (Exit code: 127)

  • My server admin says that this is because we are running FreeBSD and this plugin was designed for Linux.

    Can we make this plugin work?

    Re: [4cdg] Create pdf

    By Dave - October 25, 2010

    Hi 4cdg,

    We've see some problems with FreeBSD as well.

    Can you ask your server admin if there's a way we can run static linux binaries on FreeBSD?

    Or if they can compile the wkhtmltopdf binary from source for us?

    If neither of those work the latest createPDF has a proxy option that is very easy to configure. So if you have another linux or windows server you can run createPDF from there and have your freebsd server send requests to that server.

    Hope that helps! Let me know what they say.
    Dave Edis - Senior Developer