Combine SignUp/Login process

By dennisoneil - February 13, 2011


We've made some small edits to the membership plug-in to allow users to chose their password at sign-up.

However, the only thing I'm having trouble figuring out is how to *not* require the user to enter that same information immediately afterward to login.

Ideally, the new user would just be redirected to the member-only page and see their confirmation message there.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Re: [dennisoneil] Combine SignUp/Login process

By Jason - February 14, 2011

Hi Dennis,

You can directly call the plugin's login function. What you have to do is make sure $_REQUEST['username'] and $_REQUEST['password'] have values.

After that, once you've created the use account, you can call the function like this:


Hope this helps
Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

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