Plugin altering 'account' schema

By Damon - October 17, 2016

Hi Larry,

I haven't done this before but if you are using a custom accounts table, you can add the extra field into the $schema = array( ) to have it auto created.

You could also add the field into the /data/accounts.ini.php schema file to have it auto created. 

Damon Edis -

Hire me! Save time by getting our experts to help with your project.

By Dave - October 19, 2016

Hey Larry, 

If you've haven't already done this.  Here's some sample plugin code from "Simple Forum" that adds fields to a schema when it's not already there:

// plugin actions
addAction('section_init', '_sforum_pluginSetup_updateAccountsSchema', null, 1);

// make sure that all required accounts schema changes are made - runs when user visits plugins menu
function _sforum_pluginSetup_updateAccountsSchema($tableName) {
  $isPluginMenu = $tableName == 'admin' && @$_REQUEST['action'] == 'plugins';
  if ($tableName && !$isPluginMenu) { return; } // only run on plugin menu

  // ensure membership account schema has appropriate fields
  $order = time();
  $fieldsToEnsure = array(
    '__sforum_header__' => array(
      'order'           => ++$order,
      'label'           => '',
      'type'            => 'separator',
      'separatorType'   => 'header bar',
      'separatorHeader' => 'Forum Settings',
      'separatorHTML'   => '',
      'isSystemField'     => '1',
    '_sforum_signature' => array(
      'order'             => ++$order,
      'label'             => 'Signature',
      'type'              => 'textbox',
      'autoFormat'        => '0',
      'isSystemField'     => '1',
    '_sforum_adminForums' => array(
      'order'             => ++$order,
      'label'             => 'Admin for Forums',
      'type'              => 'list',
      'indexed'           => '0',
      'defaultValue'      => '',
      'fieldPrefix'       => '',
      'description'       => '',
      'isRequired'        => '0',
      'isUnique'          => '0',
      'listType'          => 'checkboxes',
      'optionsType'       => 'table',
      'optionsTablename'  => '_frm_forums',
      'optionsValueField' => 'num',
      'optionsLabelField' => 'name',
      'isSystemField'     => '1',

  // add fields to accounts table if necessary
  $accountsTable = coalesce( @$GLOBALS['WSM_ACCOUNTS_TABLE'], 'accounts');
  $accountSchema = loadSchema($accountsTable);
  $updated = false;
  foreach ($fieldsToEnsure as $newFieldName => $newFieldSchema) {
    if (!@$accountSchema[$newFieldName]) {
      $accountSchema[$newFieldName] = $newFieldSchema;
      $updated = true;

  // save schema if necessary
  if ($updated) {
    saveSchema( $accountsTable, $accountSchema );
  // add email templates
    'template_id'  => "SFORUM-NOTIFY-POST",
    'description'  => "Sent to users when their forum posts are replied to",
    'placeholders' => array('','post.username','post.read_link','post.reply_link','post.unsubscribe_link','post.message_snippet','topic.subject','forum'), // array of placeholder names
    'from'         => "#settings.adminEmail#",
    'to'           => "",
    'subject'      => "New comment on: #topic.subject#",
    'html'         => <<<__HTML__
<p><strong>#post.username#</strong> has commented on: <strong><a href="#post.read_link#">#topic.subject#</a></strong></p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><em>#post.message_snippet#... <a href="#post.read_link#">more</a></em></p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><a href="#post.read_link#"><strong>See Comment</strong></a>  |  <strong><a href="#post.reply_link#">Reply to comment</a></strong><em><strong><a href="#post.reply_link#"><br /><br /></a></strong></em></p>
<hr />
<p><span style="color: #808080;">This update was sent to because you commented on this forum topic, are subscribed to this thread, or are subscribed to this forum.</span><br /><span style="color: #808080;">If you don't want to receive updates on this forum topic, please <span style="color: #3366ff;"><a href="#post.unsubscribe_link#"><span style="color: #3366ff;">unsubscribe</span></a></span>.</span></p>
  'placeholders' => <<<__PLACEH__


You can remove the bit about adding a default email template if you don't need that.

Hope that helps!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By jenolan - October 19, 2016

Thanks I will have a gander, have had to stop work on /bin/plex due to a couple of clients having site issues....



Peace and Long Life