Show/Hide Dependant Fields Implementation

Hi Chris,

This one looks interesting, but I could use some more detailed implementation instructions.

Plus, what do I do with the CVS folder?

Hope you can find some time to help.


Jerry Kornbluth
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Re: [gkornbluth] Show/Hide Dependant Fields Implementation

By Rusty - April 6, 2011 - edited: April 6, 2011

Yeah, I hear you there.

// For each section and list field, copy this block
// Fields will start hidden if they appear in any "fields to show" list
$GLOBALS['SHOWHIDE_DEPENDANT_FIELDS_CONFIG']['the_section_editor']['list_field_name'] = array(
// list option => fields to show
'' => array(), // show these fields when the topmost '<select>' option is selected
'List 1 - Opt 1' => array(),
'List 1 - Opt 2' => array(),
'List 1 - Opt 3' => array(),' => array('List 1', 'List 2'),
'_any_value_' => array('List 1'), // show these fields when a value not listed above is selected

Isn't altogether too intuitive. I understand the "my_section" and the "my_list_filed" however the array options is a bit confusing.

I want to make it so that if an option from a list is selected, that another, second list will be shown. But only if that option is selected, otherwise, it'd hide the second list.

Like this:

List 1 - Opt 1 (either 1 or 2 selected)
List 1 - Opt 2 (either 1 or 2 selected)
List 1 - Opt 3

=========== then IF....

List 1 - Opt 1
List 1 - Opt 2
List 1 - Opt 3 (3 selected)

With List 1 - Opt 3 selected then List 2 shows

List 2 - Opt 1
List 2 - Opt 2
List 2 - Opt 3

Re: [Rusty] Show/Hide Dependant Fields Implementation

By Mikey - April 7, 2011

Have either of you figured out how to get this working? I can't seem to figure out what needs to be done so it will work.

Re: [zick] Show/Hide Dependant Fields Implementation

By robin - April 8, 2011


Looks like we need to improve the documentation for this plugin! In the meantime I've put together a little example that should hopefully help.

This example is from a school, where they store both teachers and students in the same section named "person", but they want different fields to show based on "person_type".
person_type is a list field in the "person" section with the options- "teacher" and "student.

The show hide setup would look something like this:

$GLOBALS['SHOWHIDE_DEPENDANT_FIELDS_CONFIG']['person']['person_type'] = array(
// list option => fields to show
'' => array('name'), // show these fields when the topmost '<select>' option is selected
'teacher' => array('name', 'degree', 'parking_space_number'),
'student' => array('name', 'grade', 'parent_contact_number'),

Hope that helps,

Re: [robin] Show/Hide Dependant Fields Implementation

By gkornbluth - April 9, 2011

Thanks Robin,

Makes more sense now.

Jerry Kornbluth
The first CMS Builder reference book is now available on-line!

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Re: [Hybrid] Show/Hide Dependant Fields Implementation

By robin - April 15, 2011

Hey Hybrid,

Multi selects are not supported yet, I'll let Chris know there is demand!

In the meantime, I'm thinking based on your example you could do something like this:
Add an option called "Kids and Parents" in your menu, then in the code...
$GLOBALS['SHOWHIDE_DEPENDANT_FIELDS_CONFIG']['person']['person_type'] = array(
// list option => fields to show
'' => array('name'), // show these fields when the topmost '<select>' option is selected
'kids' => array('kids'),
'parents' => array('parents', 'date'),
'_any_value_' => array('kids', 'parents', 'date'), // show these fields when a value not listed above is selected

Hope that helps,

Re: [robin] Show/Hide Dependant Fields Implementation

By Perchpole - May 31, 2011

Hi, Robin -

I too have stumbled into an issue regarding this plugin and Multi-select menus.

Not being able to hide such fields renders the plugin fairly redundant for my particular project.



Re: [robin] Show/Hide Dependant Fields Implementation

By usadomains - August 15, 2011 - edited: August 15, 2011

Multi selects are not supported yet, I'll let Chris know there is demand! Ya, please get this updated to support this properly ... I can get it to work on the 1st list, but if I add additional ones for another field, they all show.