Dynamically filling content with data from CMS Builder.

4 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: September 27, 2010   (RSS)

By gadefgaertgqe - September 24, 2010 - edited: September 24, 2010

I have a page (contact.php) with an email form.

When the form is filled out and the send button clicked it calls a php script (sendmail.php) to proccess it.

To configure the destination email address in the php script (sendmail.php) I have to edit the following:

$address = "email@yourwebsite.com";

However I want to be able to fill the destination address dynamically.

I know the dynamic address is generated fine, as when I run this in the page that contains the form that is being filled out:

<? $whatisit = $contactRecord["email"];
echo $whatisit;

I get the correct email address being output.

However when I modify the address value in the sendmail.php file, to use the same method like so:

$address = $contactRecord["email"];

The send mail fails because the address value seems to be blank. I am guessing that there must be a method I have to use to pass the value to sendmail.php.

Hope you can help and thanks in advance.


Re: [8bit Gamer] Dynamically filling content with data from CMS Builder.

Hi 8bit Gamer,

Just guesses,

I noticed that you're using double quotes instead of single.

You might try using a variable for the email address in the sendmail $address similar to what you did for your test.

<?php $whatisit = $contactRecord["email"]; ?>

$address = <?php echo $whatisit ?>

Hope that gets you going.


Jerry Kornbluth
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Re: [8bit Gamer] Dynamically filling content with data from CMS Builder.

By Jason - September 24, 2010


If you could attach contact.php and sendmail.php I can take a closer look into this issue for you.

Hope this helps.
Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

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