Website membership errors after php 8 upgrade

Website Membership1.13
CMS: 3.55

Hi there, Getting some warnings after upgrading to php 8:

Issue #1 - related to membership plugin

E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool (line 12)

The code:
if ($CURRENT_USER['member_approved'] == 1 && $CURRENT_USER['private_yacht_access'] == 1 ) {

Issue #2 - general php warning

#19595 - E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on value of type null

In this block of code (see comments for where errors occuring)

<?php foreach ($yachtsRecords as $record): ?>

  <?php if ($record['yachtfolio_link_new']) {

    $yachtfolio_num = $record['yachtfolio_link_new'];
    list($link_redirectsRecords, $link_redirectsMetaData) = getRecords(array(
      'tableName'   => 'link_redirects',
      'where'       => "`num` = '". mysql_escape($yachtfolio_num) ."'",
      'loadUploads' => false,
      'allowSearch' => false,
      'limit'       => '1',
    $link_redirectsRecord = @$link_redirectsRecords[0];

      if ($link_redirectsRecord['link_destination']) {
        $linky = $link_redirectsRecord['link_destination']; // ERROR ON THIS LINE
      } else {
        $linky = $link_redirectsRecord['yachtfolio_link_destination'] . $settingsRecord['yachtfolio_id']; // ERROR ON THIS LINE

    $linky_target = "_blank";

  } elseif ($record['yachtfolio_link']) {
    $linky = $record['yachtfolio_link'] . $settingsRecord['yachtfolio_id'];
    $linky_target = "_blank";
  } else {

    if ($yacht_typeRecord['num']==8) {
      $link = $record['_link'];
      $linky = strtolower(str_replace("yacht.php", "for-sale.php", $link));
      $linky_target = "_self";
    } else {
      $linky = strtolower($record['_link']);
      $linky_target = "_self";


By daniel - February 15, 2022

Hi theclicklab,

The broad reason for these errors is that in PHP 8 it throws an error if you try to use a variable as an array when it's not an array. In the first case, $CURRENT_USER can be false if a user is not logged in, and in the second case, $link_redirectsRecord will be null if nothing is returned by getRecords(). 

For issue #1, just making sure that $CURRENT_USER isn't empty should be sufficient, like this:

if (!empty( $CURRENT_USER ) && $CURRENT_USER['member_approved'] == 1 && $CURRENT_USER['private_yacht_access'] == 1 ) {

(This works because PHP won't evaluate the right side of an "&&" if the left side is false. So if $CURRENT_USER is empty, it doesn't "see" the rest of the if statement)

For issue #2, I'd suggest checking that the record exists before using it (this is a good practice to follow generally), something like this:

if (!empty( $link_redirectsRecord )) {      
  if ($link_redirectsRecord['link_destination']) {
    $linky = $link_redirectsRecord['link_destination']; // ERROR ON THIS LINE
  } else {
    $linky = $link_redirectsRecord['yachtfolio_link_destination'] . $settingsRecord['yachtfolio_id']; // ERROR ON THIS LINE
else {
// some fallback here

Let me know if this helps solve the issue, or if you have any other questions!


Technical Lead

Thanks Daniel, was able to resolve everything with your examples. Much appreciated :)