Unexpected output alert

By In-House-Logic - August 24, 2016

We're seeing an increase in the following error message appearing on the CMS Builder backend on our in-house dev server.

Unexpected output was sent by a program library or plugin.
Output was "

" (4 chars)
Developers: Check plugins and library files for accidentally added whitespace or other characters.

The character count varies The sites that are now throwing this do have additional plug-ins in place but the exact ones vary a bit. Before I run though a range of experiments, I thought I'd ask the experts about this.

Any idea what I should be looking for that might cause this?

Many thanks,


By Dave - August 24, 2016

Hi Jayme, 

What it means is that a plugin was updated and it's got some extra whitespace at the beginning or end.  Does this error happen consistently?  If so, try turning on various plugins and reloading.  Then check the plugins (or all plugins for whitespace after the close ?> tag.

Let me know what you find or if that fixes it.  Thanks!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer