Notice: Announce your new CMS Builder websites here!

108 posts by 59 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: November 24, 2010   (RSS)

By jimbly2 - November 18, 2009 - edited: November 18, 2009

Hi - this is a site for an Events company that uses CMS extensively. What a great bit of software. [:)]

Re: [Dave] Notice: Announce your new CMS Builder websites here!

By Toledoh - December 3, 2009

This site is designed to be re-skinned every month or so.

The shop is simple at present (still driven by CMSB), but the code is built (just waiting on product) for it to be turned into a full shopping cart set-up.

Tim (

MotoQuest Motorcycle Tours site

By (Deleted User) - January 11, 2010

Hi there,

Just thought I'd tell you about a motorcycle tours site that I have completely re-designed and everything is done with CMS Builder.

Motorcycle Tours and Rental worldwide from

The staff wanted to enter tours in an easy to use template and didn't want to spend time adding bits of data to various sections of the site - after all they wanted to be out riding bikes!

Every aspect of the site is from a variety of templates and all dynamically added to each page. All assets are served from content delivery networks and (hopefully!) the site is code error free.

It's been a lot of work but hopefully you will see the real benefit of CMS Builder!

Thanks Jono

Re: [jonoc73] MotoQuest Motorcycle Tours site

By Toledoh - January 14, 2010

Jono - that's a good looking site. Congratulations!

Tim (

New real estate website

By richc - January 17, 2010

Many thanks - very flexible system!

Re: Announce your new CMS Builder websites here!

By danwilson - February 9, 2010

Finally pushed this one out the door: - it's 140+ pages of complex content, all driven by CMS Builder (my first site using this tool).

I'm currently working on 3 other sites now, all using CMSB.

Re: [Dave] Notice: Announce your new CMS Builder websites here!

By NigelGordijk - February 18, 2010

Website redesign for my local MP:

The client loves how easy it is to update the site with CMSB, especially compared to its previous cms.

Kudos to Interactive Tools!
Nigel Gordijk

Common Sense Design: User-focused Web design
Tel: 001 519 342 5348 | Web:

Re: [Dave] Notice: Announce your new CMS Builder websites here!

By gsfriend - March 15, 2010

I've used CMS Builder on 2 different websites now and getting ready to start the third. LOVE this software and how user friendly it is. I'm a website designer, so having something like this that is easy for my customers to maintain is an absolute must. Keep up the great work!

Michelle Whitlick
I did this site for my cousin, Michelle Whitlock, who is a cervical cancer survivor and advocate. In addition to her "normal" occupation she also travels around the country promoting awareness of cervical cancer.

I did this site for my normal "9-5" day job. Almost everything in this site, including the selection of different CSS layouts, is controlled with CMS builder. It's also used in combination with a complex membership management software, but CMS Builder is an integral part of the site. This site sells online seminars (webinars) to a targeted market of professionals.

Scott Friend

Freelance Website Design

Re: [Dave] Notice: Announce your new CMS Builder websites here!

By sidcam - March 17, 2010

All the content on my new real estate website is being managed using CMS Builder. It's at

Thanks, Sid

Re: [Dave] Notice: Announce your new CMS Builder websites here!

By Maurice - March 25, 2010

Hi all,

Friday we are officially launching a new site but you can already look at it the tests came out very good hope you like it 2 soon we wil have the making off
for you on our new site.

let us know if you like it or not.

Greetz Maurice