QR Code Generator

By Codee - November 18, 2011

Hi Jerry,
I followed the readme.txt file. I uploaded the qrcode generator plugin to the plugins folder.


Then I logged in to the CMS admin panel (called /rdAdmin),
at http://www.sitename.com/rdAdmin/admin.php

clicked on "plugins" in the left panel under the Admin section and it goes to:

Then I click "Activate" to the QR Code Generator plugin and the plugin moves from the inactive plugins group to the active plugins group. I now can click either "deactivate" or "example code" and I chose "example code"

On the next screen I get a list of choices like: * Plain Text, * Web Address, * Email Address, *etc.. No matter which one I choose the bottom box under Example Output gives the message:
"Couldn't load viewer library, check filepath in sourcecode."

The middle box, titled "Source Code" when I've clicked the Plain Text example gives the following:
URL: /rdAdmin/plugins/QRCodeGenerator/examples/plaintext.php
File: /home/content/46/7318446/html/rdAdmin/plugins/QRCodeGenerator/examples/plaintext.php
<?php echo qrCode(array( 'type' => 'text', 'text' => 'Hello world!' )); ?>

This site is using version 2.13, as well.

Re: [equinox69] QR Code Generator

By gkornbluth - November 18, 2011

Hi equinox69,

Your previous post didn't say that you uploaded the examples directory to your plugins folder as well.

I assume you did?

There's a line in the examples that looks for a folder called cmsAdmin as the path to the library.
$libraryPath = 'cmsAdmin/lib/viewer_functions.php';
try changing that to:
$libraryPath = 'rdAdmin/lib/viewer_functions.php';

Hope that works for you.

Jerry Kornbluth
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By Codee - November 18, 2011 - edited: November 18, 2011

Mr. Kornbluth, worked like a charm! Thank you!

I didn't think to specify that because the readme.txt instructions said to upload the plugin (and the examples folder is inside the plugin automatically), and then activate it. The instructions do not mention changing anything such as that in the code. Other plugins, when that is needed, generally have an instruction (like the Watermark plugin), whereas most work "as is" when uploaded and activated. I'll try your suggestion. Thanks!