CUSTOM PERMALINK example and BUG in permalink plugin 1.09

By kitsguru - December 6, 2020 - edited: December 6, 2020

In response to:

I let the previous post slide as I had no immediate need for it. However I now had time to revisit it and discovered a minor bug in the permalink plugin 1.09 that prevented me from using it. I was trying to have a permalink that looked like


The following is the code I used based on the feedback from Daniel.

function permalink_custom_permalinks($tableName, $isNewRecord, $oldRecord)
    $schema = loadSchema($tableName);
    $prefix = @$schema['permalink']['defaultValue'];

    // create permalink for events anytime record is saved
    if ($tableName === 'events') {
        $date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime(@$_REQUEST['start_date']));
        $_REQUEST['permalink'] = $prefix . $date . '/' . @$_REQUEST['title']; // create a permalink in the format prefix/yyyy-mm-dd/title

        // trigger_error($_REQUEST['permalink']);
        $_REQUEST['permalink'] = _permalink_generate_formatInputText($_REQUEST['permalink']);
        // trigger_error($_REQUEST['permalink']);

The first trigger it looked good but the date was wrong, 'event/1969-12-31/mytitle'

The second trigger, the permalink had the / removed 'event1969-12-31mytitle' and generated an error.

So l looked into the plugin _permalink_generate_formatInputText function. In the permalink 1.09 plugin the line (around 168) that removes all non-alphanumber characters was removing the /

$permalinkText = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9\-\.\_]+/i', '', $permalinkText);  // remove non-alphanumeric chars

I changed it to exclude the / by adding \/ to the end of the expression:

$permalinkText = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9\-\.\_\/]+/i', '', $permalinkText);  // remove non-alphanumeric chars

and that part works fine now.

EXCEPT you now need to deal with possible double //, so added this line below "collapse multiple dashes":

$permalinkText = preg_replace("/\/+/", '/', $permalinkText); // JAS collapse multiple slashes

The start_date is composed of multiple parts and assembled upon save. Since the permalink is a pre-save action, you need to use the components. Here is the final version of my function:

 * Creates custom permalinks for the permalinks plugin
 * @param  [string] $tableName
 * @param  [boolean] $isNewRecord - is this a new record
 * @param  [int] $oldRecord   record number
 * @return void
function permalink_custom_permalinks($tableName, $isNewRecord, $oldRecord)
    $schema = loadSchema($tableName);
    $prefix = @$schema['permalink']['defaultValue'];

    // create permalink for events anytime record is saved
    if ($tableName === 'events') {
        // when using the datepicker, the startdate is composed of multiple parts
        $date = @$_REQUEST['start_date:year'] 
                . '-' . str_pad(@$_REQUEST['start_date:mon'], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) 
                . '-' . str_pad(@$_REQUEST['start_date:day'], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
        // build the permalink
        $_REQUEST['permalink'] = $prefix . $date . '/' . @$_REQUEST['title'];
        // format it 
        $_REQUEST['permalink'] = _permalink_generate_formatInputText($_REQUEST['permalink']);

The output for the permalink is now the desired format: "event/2020-12-06/title". However this lead to another issue in that you could not override this so instead of looking at oldRecord as originally insteaded by the sample function, I decided to look at the permalink itself. If the permalink is empty then generate accordingly, if not empty then leave as is.

if ($tableName === 'events' && empty(@$_REQUEST['permalink'])) {
Jeff Shields

By kitsguru - January 27, 2021

yes, I have patched my permalink plugin as indicated, but it needs to be rolled into the official version.

Jeff Shields

By Jenna - January 27, 2021

Hi Jeff,

I'm glad you got it sorted out, I will let the team know about the issue you had. We will definitely look at rolling it out into the official permalinks plugin.

Thank you for your response, let us know if we can do anything else to help.

Jenna Cooke - PHP Programmer