Feature Request: Expert Expert Code Generator

8 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: September 30, 2019   (RSS)

By KennyH - September 25, 2019

I would love to see a code generator that generated only tags and those tags are click-to-copy.

Output of a detail page would just be something like this:

list($page_elementsRecords, $page_elementsMetaData) = getRecords(array(
'tableName' => 'page_elements',
'where' => '', // load first record
'loadUploads' => true,
'allowSearch' => false,
'limit' => '1',
$page_elementsRecord = @$page_elementsRecords[0]; // get first record

<?php echo htmlencode($page_elementsRecord['num']) ?>
<?php echo $page_elementsRecord['areas_served']; ?>
<?php echo $page_elementsRecord['practice_areas']; ?>
<?php echo $page_elementsRecord['legal_notice']; ?>
<?php echo $page_elementsRecord['feedback']; ?>

<?php foreach ($page_elementsRecord['page_headers'] as $index => $upload): ?>
<?php echo htmlencode($upload['urlPath']) ?>
<?php echo $upload['width'] ?>
<?php echo $upload['height'] ?>
<?php echo htmlencode($upload['info1']) ?>
<?php echo htmlencode($upload['info2']) ?>
<?php echo $upload['extension'] ?>
<?php endforeach ?>

<?php echo $page_elementsMetaData['_listPage'] ?>
<?php echo urlencode(thisPageUrl()) ?>

Using a click-to-copy javascript for each tag so it can be copied and pasted quicker. Right now, I highlight the snippet I need and Ctrl+C and then Ctrl+V. A lot of the time, I just wind up typing out the whole snippet if I think it would be quicker. All of the other text (even in expert mode) is way more than I need and just in the way.

So, is Expert-Expert Mode a possibility?


Kenny H

By Steve99 - September 26, 2019

An "expert expert" mode sounds nice. I'm not really concerned about a "js click-to-copy" though.

By Steve99 - September 26, 2019

Nice! Learned another new thing about CMSB today :) Thanks Dave!

By KennyH - September 26, 2019

Hi Dave - 

I am excited about being able to do this. I have followed your steps so far but when I go to activate it I get Call to undefined function cg_typeByVersion() in /home/lawweb/public_html/webadmin/plugins/expert_listPage.php on line 14.

I have tried to change anything else yet - I just wanted to get one up and running first

Plugin Name: Expert List Page Generator
Description: Adds "Expert List Page" to Code Generator
Version: 1.00
Requires at least: 2.15

// Note: This library is automatically included by /lib/menus/_codeGenerator/actionHandler.php
// ... but can be duplicated and added to the /plugins/ folder to create a new code generator.
// ... Just be sure to change the function names or you'll get errors about duplicate functions.

// register generator
addGenerator('expert_ListPage', 'List Page', 'Show many records.', cg_typeByVersion(2));

// dispatch function
function expertListPage($function, $name, $description, $type) {

  // show options menu, and errors on submit
  expertListPage_getOptions($function, $name, $description, $type);

  // show code
  $instructions   = []; // show as bullet points
  $filenameSuffix = 'list'; // eg: tablename-FILENAMESUFFIX.php
  $code           = expertListPage_getCode();
  cg2_showCode($function, $name, $instructions, $filenameSuffix, $code);

// user specified options
function expertListPage_getOptions($function, $name, $description, $type) {

  // error checking
  if (@$_REQUEST['_showCode']) {
    $errorsAndAlerts = '';
    if (!@$_REQUEST['tableName']) { alert("Please select a section!<br>\n"); }
    if (!alert()) { return; } // if form submitted and no errors than return and generate code

  // set form defaults
  $defaults['howMany']          = 'all';
  $defaults['orderBy']          = 'default';
  $defaults['showUploads']      = 'all';
  $defaults['showUploadsCount'] = '1';
  $defaults['allowSearching']   = 0;
  $defaults['limit']            = 5;
  $defaults['perPage']          = 10;
  foreach ($defaults as $key => $value) {
    if (!array_key_exists($key, $_REQUEST)) { $_REQUEST[$key] = $value; }

  // prepare adminUI() placeholders
  $adminUI = [];
  // form tag and hidden fields
  $adminUI['HIDDEN_FIELDS'] = [ [ 'name' => '_showCode', 'value' => '1' ] ];
  // main content
  $adminUI['CONTENT'] = ob_capture(function() { ?>

    <div class="form-horizontal">

      <?php echo adminUI_separator(t('Viewer Options')); ?>
      <?php cg2_option_selectSection(); ?>

      <div class="form-group">
        <div class="col-sm-2 control-label"><?php et('How Many')?></div>
        <div class="col-sm-10">
          <div class="radio">
              <?php echo cg2_inputRadio('howMany', 'all'); ?>
              <?php et('Show all records')?>
          <div class="radio">
              <?php echo cg2_inputRadio('howMany', 'firstN'); ?>
              <?php echo sprintf(t('Show the first %s records only'), cg2_inputText('limit', 3)); ?>
          <div class="radio">
              <?php echo cg2_inputRadio('howMany', 'paged'); ?>
              <?php echo sprintf(t('Show %s records per page with prev &amp; next page links'), cg2_inputText('perPage', 3)); ?>

      <?php cg2_option_sorting() ?>
      <?php cg2_option_uploads() ?>

      <div class="form-group">
        <div class="col-sm-2 control-label"><?php et('Allow Searching')?></div>
        <div class="col-sm-10 control-label">
          <div class="text-left">
            <?php echo cg2_inputCheckbox('allowSearching'); ?>
            <label for="allowSearching">
              <?php et('Filter results based on search form input (disable for multiple viewers on one page)')?>

      <div class="center">
        <?php echo adminUI_button(['label' => t('Show Code') ]); ?>

  <?php });
  // compose and output the page
  cg_adminUI($adminUI, $name, $function);

function expertListPage_getCode() {
  $tableName  = @$_REQUEST['tableName'];
  $schema     = loadSchema($tableName);
  $menuName   = @$schema['menuName'] ?: $tableName;

  // define variable names
  $tableRecordsVar = '$' .preg_replace("/[^\w]/", '_', $tableName). "Records";
  $metaDataVar     = '$' .preg_replace("/[^\w]/", '_', $tableName). "MetaData";
  $recordVar       = '$record';

  // define getRecords() options
  $options = [];
  $options[] = "'tableName'   => '$tableName',";
  if      (@$_REQUEST['howMany'] == 'firstN')    { $options[] = "'limit'       => '{$_REQUEST['limit']}',"; }
  else if (@$_REQUEST['howMany'] == 'paged')     { $options[] = "'perPage'     => '{$_REQUEST['perPage']}',"; }
  else                                           { /* default to showing all */ }
  if      (@$_REQUEST['orderBy'] == 'random')    { $options[] = "'orderBy'     => 'RAND()',"; }
  if      (@$_REQUEST['showUploads'] == 'all')   { $options[] = "'loadUploads' => true,"; }
  elseif  (@$_REQUEST['showUploads'] == 'limit') { $options[] = "'loadUploads' => true,"; }
  else                                           { $options[] = "'loadUploads' => false,"; }
  if      (@$_REQUEST['allowSearching'])         { $options[] = "'allowSearch' => true,"; }
  else                                           { $options[] = "'allowSearch' => false,"; }
  $padding           = "    ";
  $getRecordsOptions = "\n$padding" . implode("\n$padding", $options) . "\n  ";

  ### generate code
?><#php header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); #>
  /* STEP 1: LOAD RECORDS - Copy this PHP code block near the TOP of your page */
  <?php cg2_code_loadLibraries(); ?>

  // load records from '<?php echo $tableName ?>'
  list(<?php echo $tableRecordsVar ?>, <?php echo $metaDataVar ?>) = getRecords(array(<?php echo $getRecordsOptions; ?>));

#><?php cg2_code_header(); ?>
<?php cg2_code_instructions('List'); ?>

  <!-- STEP2: Display Records (Paste this where you want your records to be listed) -->
    <h1><?php echo $menuName ?> - <?php echo t('List Page Viewer'); ?></h1>
    <#php foreach (<?php echo $tableRecordsVar ?> as <?php echo $recordVar ?>): #>
<?php cg2_code_schemaFields($schema, $recordVar, $tableName); ?>
<?php if (@$_REQUEST['showUploads']) { cg2_code_uploads($schema, $recordVar); } ?>
    <#php endforeach #>

    <#php if (!<?php echo $tableRecordsVar ?>): #>
      <?php echo t('No records were found!'); ?><br><br>
    <#php endif #>
  <!-- /STEP2: Display Records -->

<?php if (@$_REQUEST['howMany'] == 'paged'): ?>
  <!-- STEP3: Display Page Links (Paste anywhere below "Load Record List") -->
    <#php if (<?php echo $metaDataVar ?>['prevPage']): #>
      <a href="<#php echo <?php echo $metaDataVar ?>['prevPageLink'] #>"><?php echo t('&lt;&lt;  prev'); ?></a>
    <#php else: #>
      &lt;&lt; prev
    <#php endif #>

    - page <#php echo <?php echo $metaDataVar ?>['page'] #> of <#php echo <?php echo $metaDataVar ?>['totalPages'] #> -

    <#php if (<?php echo $metaDataVar ?>['nextPage']): #>
      <a href="<#php echo <?php echo $metaDataVar ?>['nextPageLink'] #>"><?php echo t('next'); ?> &gt;&gt;</a>
    <#php else: #>
      next &gt;&gt;
    <#php endif #>
  <!-- /STEP3: Display Page Links -->
<?php endif ?>
<?php cg2_code_footer(); ?>

  // return code
  $code = ob_get_clean();
  return $code;


By Dave - September 26, 2019

Hi KennyH, 

Can you try adding this line at the top? 

require_once SCRIPT_DIR . '/lib/menus/_codeGenerator/generator_functions.php';

// register generator

Let me know if that works for you.

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By KennyH - September 26, 2019

Getting closer. It let me activate the plugin after adding the code you specified. I went to Code Generator and got the the following error

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare cg_typeByVersion() (previously declared in /home/lawweb/public_html/webadmin/lib/menus/_codeGenerator/generator_functions.php:7) in /home/lawweb/public_html/webadmin/lib/menus/_codeGenerator/generator_functions.php on line 16

By Dave - September 30, 2019

Hi Kenny, 

Thanks for the feedback.  Try this fix: 

  • Edit /lib/menus/_codeGenerator\actionHandler.php
  • Replace: include "generator_functions.php";
  • With: require_once "generator_functions.php";

Let me know if that works for you and I'll include that patch in the next release as well.

Dave Edis - Senior Developer