Looking for advice - transitioning site to permalinks

4 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: March 1, 2017   (RSS)

By zip222 - February 27, 2017

I was wondering if anyone has a suggested process or tips for transitioning a live site to one that uses the Permalinks plugin? Not sure how to go about this.

Any advice is greatly appreciated :)

By ross - February 28, 2017

Hi there.

Your transition to permalinks will likely be fairly straight forward.

I recommend that you first make a full backup of your whole site (CMS Builder - with its data, and the rest of your site).

Once you get started, I also recommend working on one section at a time. And I also recommend starting with your Multi Record sections as they will be more straight forward.

Mutli record sections should only need the following:

1. Add field to section called "permalinks"

2. Use the "Update Tables" option available from the plugin menu.

Once you have that setup, we can go over any single record sections and then any other links on your site not specifically tied to CMS Builder.

How does that sound?

Let me know any questions.

Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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By zip222 - February 28, 2017

Thanks, Ross. This was helpful. I just completed a few sections successfully. 

Never noticed the Update Tables feature before - super helpful!