swiftmailer | Connection Timed Out

12 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: April 5, 2016   (RSS)

By Dave - April 5, 2016

Hi Karlz, 

On unix/linux the PHP mail() function doesn't send anything over the internet at all.  It just passes your message to the local mail server/Mail Transport Agent  (SendMail, PostFix, Qmail, etc) which queues the message for delivery and handles it from there.  

So whether you send the message through PHP's mail() function or connect to server through it's loopback address of (which you are doing), none of the communication is being sent unencrypted over the internet by the CMS application.  What the MTA does after it gets the message is another issue.

If encryption is a concern you might want to check the settings of Mail Transport Agent itself.  I don't think you can have any assurances that any possible mail server you'd send mail to would accept secure connections.  

Now if you're not sending mail out from the server, meaning you're sending it to local accounts and those users connect to the server to get their mail, then in that case you'd want to make sure they can only connect with secure connections.

>Can you provide any working solution/embed procedure on Mandrill?

Sure, for Mandrill or any other 3rd Party mail server you just enter the username/password and details they provide under: Admin > General > Email Settings.

Hope that helps!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer