Wish List Item: Backend Styling

4 posts by 4 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: November 24, 2012   (RSS)

By InHouse - November 9, 2012

Not wishing to clutter the 'upcoming features' post, I'll start a new thread:

I'm finding more and more often that I'd like better styling control over the backend. Here is an easy idea that would be welcome from my POV:

- classes assigned to field groups and individual fields:
Example for a textfield with pre- and post-text elements. This styling would let us control some aspects of a single field or a whole field-group. This could easily be connected to style class for a 'requied' field also.

<tr class="field_group field_aside [required]"> <!-- name of field group -->
<td class="field_label">Aside</td><!-- allows selection of all titles -->
<td class="field_content">
<span class="prefix">Optional:</span><!-- the prefix field -->

<textarea class="field" aria-hidden="true" name="aside" id="field_aside" rows="5" cols="40" </textarea>

<span class="field_desc">Used to highlight or feature items from this article such as pull quotes, adding supporting documents, or making extra comments.</span>

This would let us easily create a backend style sheet which would allow us to apply styles to:
- whole field groups/table row (borders, colours, font style, margins, etc.),
- a single field group based on the name (highlight the required field's table row),
- all labels, prefixes or descriptions (make all prefixes dark, all descrptions indented, italics and monospaced),
- a single field (.field_aside .field_desc {color: red;}
- a required field (if a required token is set in the field schema) .required {background: yellow, url('alert_icon.gif') no-repeat;}

If you like this idea, I could mock up a list view version as well. It would probably follow similar rules but may need row and column indexing.

My $0.02... again. ;-)


Re: [InHouse] Wish List Item: Backend Styling

By Dave - November 22, 2012

Hi Jayme,

We're in the processing of rewriting the field library which will allow us to do all this in a standardized way. Right now it's challenging because the code is spread out in too many different places.

I'll email you direct to discuss further. Thanks.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [gkornbluth] Wish List Item: Backend Styling

By nmsinc - November 24, 2012

[font "Times New Roman"]I have always felt that the best idea would be to code a form builder into each section that would build a form based on the current section editor that could then be customized to the client’s template leaving the backend administration for the use of building the sections.[/#000000]

[font "Times New Roman"] [/#000000]

[font "Times New Roman"]This keeps the client out of the CMS builder and allows the administrator to set his/her own access to these forms based on user preferences set by the CMS administartor.[/#000000]

[font "Times New Roman"] [/#000000]

[font "Times New Roman"]Just an idea![/#000000]