How to input date

9 posts by 6 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: February 4, 2010   (RSS)

By Mel - December 22, 2009

Hi Everyone,

I want to design a form that includes a field that lets you input the date dd/mm/yyyy

And then be able to sort data for example by month and to show the results in dd/mm/yyyy or mm/yyyy format

Can this be done, as I am not sure how to set up the field on the form

Thanks Mel

Re: [mel] How to input date

By Chris - December 23, 2009

Hi Mel,

Would this form be integrated with CMS Builder somehow? Who would be inputting dates?

Can you post the form you're working on so I can get an idea of what you're trying to accomplish?
All the best,

Re: [chris] How to input date

By Mel - December 28, 2009

Hi Mel,

Would this form be integrated with CMS Builder somehow? Who would be inputting dates?

Can you post the form you're working on so I can get an idea of what you're trying to accomplish?

Hi Chris,

Was in some ways thinking ahead of myself and had not even really thought about a form

I already use CMS on other sites and it works great. What I have in mind for this project is to be able to use a form instead of having to log into the admin interface

Cutting it down to its bare bones the data would involve dates of appointments, fees paid and commission earned plus other fields

So ideally there would be a form to input data including the date of appointment preferably in the dd/mm/yyyy format

And then I would want to produce reports to search a range of dates to and from and display the records and total up the fees and commission columns

Plus a delete and update records facilty via forms

Is this within the scope of CMS or is all the initial data input , updating and deleteing of records going to have to be done through the admin pages?

Thanks Mel

Re: [mel] How to input date

By ross - January 6, 2010

Hi Mel

Thanks for the extra details! This is definitely something you can do with CMS Builder. It's just a matter of coding up the custom input form.

I could send you a sample input form and let you have a go at it or we could move over into consulting and I'll just do it for you.

How comfortable are you with PHP and MySQL?

Let me know what you think :).
Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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Re: [ross] How to input date

By Mel - January 8, 2010

Hi Mel

Thanks for the extra details! This is definitely something you can do with CMS Builder. It's just a matter of coding up the custom input form.

I could send you a sample input form and let you have a go at it or we could move over into consulting and I'll just do it for you.

How comfortable are you with PHP and MySQL?

Let me know what you think :).

Hi Ross,

Thanks for your reply.

With regards to PHP/Mysql I guess you would put me in the newbie to some experience section

I would be happy to have a crack at a sample form to see how I get on

Under different circumstances the consulting route would be a good option but on this project the cost is being funded by myself so I cannot pass on any of the cost

If it was not for the fact that the information needs to be available to more than one person and they are not in the same location an excel type database would have been any easier option, hence my idea of doing it through cms on a server where they can log into

So lets have a crack at the form first and see how we go from there

Thanks Mel

Re: [mel] How to input date

By ross - January 8, 2010 - edited: January 8, 2010

Hi Mel

Sounds good to me :). I've attached a sample "Add" form. It's quite basic to start with but get a feel for this one and then you can start tackling the rest.

At this stage, we are starting to hit the limits of support as we are getting into pretty much custom code but we can always head over to consulting from here if you wanted :).

Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

Hire me! Save time by getting our experts to help with your project.
Template changes, advanced features, full integration, whatever you
need. Whether you need one hour or fifty, get it done fast with
Priority Consulting:

addform_006.php 3K

Re: [mel] How to input date

By markr - February 3, 2010

Logged into forum today looking for this exact form. Thanks.

I just need to add one more upload field.

Would <input type="file" name="uploadFile" size="40"> work with the same addFrom.php?

Re: [markr] How to input date

By Donna - February 4, 2010

Hi Mark!

File uploads on the addForms can actually be a little tricky as there is a bunch of different things going on there.

Would you be able to change this to a signup script in CMS Builder so visitors can create an account in your system, log in and then create a post right in CMS Builder? That would give them access to CMS Builder's file upload that already works.

The signup script can be setup to only give them access to that one section and can even limit the number of articles they can create.

This does end up being one more step your visitors need to take so if you like, send us an email through and we can go over other upload options with your addForm. :)
