displaying articles in more than one section??

6 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: August 7, 2009   (RSS)

By isdoo - August 5, 2009


Okay - I really need to display my articles in more than one section.

Whilst this should be fairly simple - it isn't :(

I have a series of leagues, and depending upon which league is selected it then shows the teams within that league.

Whilst it is optional to select a team, it is impossible to select more than one team as it is as a drop-down.

The problem I have is that quite often the news article will relate to more than one team.

Therefore my question is 'How can I select more than team, whilst still having teams displaying automatically relating to each league?'

With 800+ teams I can't display them in one list.

Or is there another way?


Re: [isdoo] displaying articles in more than one section??

By Chris - August 5, 2009

Hi isdoo,

It sounds like you want to assign News articles to multiple Teams. Does the following forum post help?


If not, can you explain what you mean by having teams displaying automatically relating to each league? Do you have an internet accessible site available so we can see how you've got things currently set up?

Please let me know if you have any questions.
All the best,

Re: [chris] displaying articles in more than one section??

By isdoo - August 5, 2009

Hi Chris,

We have for example league level - http://www.fansfocus.com/football/news.php/league-Conference and club level - http://www.fansfocus.com/football/team.php/team-Billericay%20Town

Within our CMS - we have say...

field name - league
field type - list
display as pulldown
List Options get options from database (advanced)
Section Tablename leagues
Use this field for option values league_name
Use this field for option labels league_known


Field Label Team
Field Name team
Field Type list
Display As pulldown
List Options Get options from MySQL query (advanced)
SELECT team, team FROM cms_teams WHERE league = '<?php echo $ESCAPED_FILTER_VALUE ?>'
Advanced Filter: Refresh list when this field changes: league

When a news item is entered, we simply select the league, and then choose the team within that league if applicable.

The problem is quite often we have an article that is applicable to two teams, these might be in the same league or different.

Therefore we would like to find a way to achieve this, without re-publishing the same article more than once, which is not really practicle.

Re: [Moonworks] displaying articles in more than one section??

By Chris - August 6, 2009

Hi isdoo,

I'm afraid the trick you're using to avoid displaying 800 teams in a list box doesn't play well with assigning news items to multiple teams.

One possible solution would involve creating more "league" and "team" fields in your News section. If you create fields for "league2" and "team2", then set them up just like "league" and "team", you can assign a news item to two teams. You'll need to update any queries you have to check both fields, and that might not be a trivial job. This idea could be extended by adding more fields.

I hope this answers your question!
All the best,

Re: [chris] displaying articles in more than one section??

By isdoo - August 7, 2009

so the only practical way is to double up on articles :(