View Website

20 posts by 6 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: July 14, 2008   (RSS)

By InHouse - July 10, 2008

Since it's come up...
I regularly alter the code to add a 'View Editors' link to the blue header bar in the backend. I tie it into the section which only shows up for the Admins. Saves me oodles of extra clicks during development and testing.

By Donna - July 10, 2008

Hey Kevin,

The main reason this isn't really possible is because CMS Builder can't really know what page you're actually editing... in fact, the content you're updating could be on any number of different pages.

This is why the "View Site" is linked to whatever URL you set in the server options -- because without telling it explicitly what URL you want there, CMS Builder can't know where you want it to be.

I hope this helps. :)


Re: [Dave] View Website

By Djulia - July 11, 2008

It is an good idea!

You can indicate the implementation ?



Re: [Dave] View Website

By kevbarker - July 11, 2008

That would be great. That's what I was looking for. I also understand Donna's point about the fact that the records could go anywhere, but if we could define the link as you have mentioned that would work great.

Thanks Dave!

Re: [Djulia] View Website

By Dave - July 14, 2008 - edited: July 14, 2008

I've added a "Preview" button to the record list page. You need to have "List Page Url" defined under section editors for it to appear.

This will be in 1.20, I've attached the latest list.php.

Back up your existing /lib/menus/default/list.php and then replace it with the attached file (Make sure you're running 1.19 first!)

I'm going to give some more though to how to best do the record previews.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

list_003.php 6K

Re: [Dave] View Website

By Djulia - July 14, 2008 - edited: July 14, 2008

Hi Dave,

That functions perfectly. [:)]

It will be possible to apply this for "[font "Verdana"]View Website >>" in header.php ?

Thank you for your answer.


Re: [Djulia] View Website

By Dave - July 14, 2008

Yes, you can use the schema _listPage value for this:

<?php if (@$schema['_listPage']): ?>
<a href="<?php echo @$schema['_listPage'] ?>"> ... </a>
<?php else: ?>
<a href="<?php echo $SETTINGS['websiteUrl'] ?>">...</a>
<?php endif ?>

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] View Website

By gkornbluth - July 14, 2008


I'm really glad that you're dealing with this whole view/preview issue.

Just to add my 2 cents, again...

I think that it's extremely important to be able to preview/approve materials before they go "live" and replace the existing materials.

A) In case trhe material is not for public consumption at the time it's being created and will ultimately be hidden until a launch date.

B) The person who is entering the information really screws it up and needs to fix it BEFORE the old information is off the live site and gone forever.

C) In many companies there's a hierarchy of approval that must be adhered to before information is released to the public.

I think that the implications of these types of issues could be real "deal breakers" for potential customers, and possible job security and legal challenges for those in the IT development chain.

Please give some thought to these "end user" issues during your near term revisions.


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Re: [gkornbluth] View Website

By Dave - July 14, 2008

Hi Jerry,

There's some support for this with the following features:

Special checkbox field "hidden" - you can create this field to hide a record. You can set it to be an admin only field to only admins and section "managers" can make a record live.

Having regular users who can create articles but not make them live, then a section manager or admin user who marked a record as live, then changing the owner (Created By) is one way to implement an approval process and prevent further changes by the user.

There's also fields for publishDate, removeDate, and neverRemove to have records go live and be removed on specific dates. You can read more about special fieldnames here:

These are pretty basic as far as "hierarchy of approval" features though. Those types of features would require a major overhaul and advances to how the user accounts work, records are stored, as well as new features to enable users to compare changes between new and changed records, approve them, rollback, etc.

And there's certainly different views on whether advanced approval hierarchy processes are even the best way to deal with the issue.

That said, we'll certainly continue to add incremental features and if someone was interested in having this done as a custom job I'd be happy to talk to you about it. Feel free to email me at

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer