"ShowHeader Deprecated Function"

By pgplast - February 16, 2020

I am updating a site from CMSB 2.5 to CMSB 3.5 and moving from MySQL 5 to 7.

I have made the suggested changes to reportBuilder.php code to update its functions, but when running reports get an alert at the page top saying:

"This plugin is using a deprecated function (showHeader) and may not display or work correctly"

I see that there is a call to the showheader() function in the reportbuilder code, and that this references old_alias_functions.php

I don't see any new, updated reportBuilder plugin in the plugin area. Can you point me in the right direction?


By daniel - February 26, 2020

Hi pgplast,

Could you please confirm the version of Report Builder you have installed? TheĀ showHeader() function should have been removed in version 1.01, you can find our latest version 1.03 here: https://www.interactivetools.com/plugins/report-builder/.


Technical Lead