Join Newsletter on User Registration

By gversion - March 22, 2019


I have added a checkbox to the account registration form so that users can opt into the newsletter.

If the user opts into the newsletter then they receive the email from NewsletterBuilder asking them to confirm their subscription, which is great.

The new user is always created in the database, which is also great.

The problem is that the USER-SIGNUP email template is no longer being sent, which crucially contains the user's password.

Below is the code I am using:

    // add user
    if (!$errorsAndAlerts) {

      // generate password
      $passwordText = wsm_generatePassword();
      $passwordHash = getPasswordDigest($passwordText);

      $colsToValues = array();
      $colsToValues['createdDate=']     = 'NOW()';
      $colsToValues['updatedDate=']     = 'NOW()';
      $colsToValues['createdByUserNum'] = 0;
      $colsToValues['updatedByUserNum'] = 0;

      // fields defined by form:
      //$colsToValues['agree_tos']      = $_REQUEST['agree_tos'];
      $colsToValues['first_name']         = $_REQUEST['first_name'];
      $colsToValues['last_name']         = $_REQUEST['last_name'];
      $colsToValues['email']            = $_REQUEST['email'];
      $colsToValues['username']         = coalesce( @$_REQUEST['username'], $_REQUEST['email'] ); // email is saved as username if usernames not supported
      $colsToValues['password']         = $passwordHash;
      // ... add more form fields here by copying the above line!
      $userNum = mysql_insert(accountsTable(), $colsToValues, true);

      // set access rights for CMS so new users can access some CMS sections
      $setAccessRights = true; // set to true and set access tables below to use this
      if ($setAccessRights && accountsTable() == "accounts") { // this is only relevant if you're adding users to the CMS accounts table

        // NOTE: You can repeat this block to grant access to multiple sections
        mysql_insert('_accesslist', array(
          'userNum'      => $userNum,
          'tableName'    => '_listings',   // insert tablename you want to grant access to, or 'all' for all sections
          'accessLevel'  => '6',         // access level allowed: 0=none, 6=author, 9=editor
          'maxRecords'   => '',          // max listings allowed (leave blank for unlimited)
          'randomSaveId' => '123456789', // ignore - for internal use

      $subscribe = 0;
      if (isset($_REQUEST['subscribe'])) {
        $subscribe = 1;
      //add to subscribers
      if ($subscribe == 1){
        $_REQUEST['e'] = $colsToValues['email'];
        $_REQUEST['subscribe'] = 'Update Subscriptions';
        $_REQUEST['submitForm'] = 1;
        $_REQUEST['n'] = "";
        $_REQUEST['a'] = "";
        $_REQUEST['lists'] = array(1);

        list($errorsAndAlerts, $lists, $authUserNum, $authUserEmail) = nlb_frontend_dispatcher3();

      // send message
      list($mailErrors, $fromEmail) = wsm_sendSignupEmail($userNum, $passwordText);
      if ($mailErrors) { alert("Mail Error: $mailErrors"); }

      // show thanks
      $_REQUEST        = array(); // clear form values
      $showSignupForm  = false;

Could someone please help me out with this?

Thank you,


By Dave - March 25, 2019

Hi Greg, 

I don't see anything obvious that would prevent that email from sending.  Here are a few things to try: 

  • Confirm Admin > Email Settings > Outgoing Mail: Is set to "Send & Log"
  • Test again and check if the message appears in the outgoing mail log.
  • Try temporarily adding a die statement before the mail sending function to see if that runs 
  • If it does, try adding it after and see if that runs

What you're trying to determine is if that code block is running at all and where the code execution might be stopping.

Hope that helps, let me know what you find!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer