Form Generator . on submit thank you message visible.

By Twocans - January 26, 2017


I go to CMS Setup > Code Generator > Form Generator and have it generate my form. Please see attached image 1.png.

Note when creating the form I check all the check boxes and also choose  the option "on submit" reload page and show message.

I cut and past the god gens code into a fresh clean php page, save and upload it and then wowa, I test it.

It works etc but when the "on submit" button is clicked and the form submitted the page reloads and I see the "Thank you! The form has been submitted successfully." with a blank form underneath. See image 2.png

I do thing this is confusing to users inputting info to my forms as, the thank you message appears but the content is no longer visible in the textbox etc see image 2.png

Is this something you guys would considering adding to the product in the near future as I do feel it is confusing to those that would input content and might want to update it straight away.




1.png 109K

2.png 54K

By ross - January 26, 2017

Hi Kenny

Thanks for the suggestion.

I see what you mean and you are correct in noticing the default action with Form Generator is to blank out the form after it submits.  

Specifically with having the fields keep their values, if you look for and comment out this line:

$_REQUEST        = []; // clear form fields

The form will remember your values when it submits.

Having the form submit then let the member "edit" a record, is an advanced idea and we would move into consulting for that. You can contact me through to continue that conversation.


Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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By Twocans - January 26, 2017

Thank you Ross

i see in your example here: 

the form is not shown only the thank you message.

Is there a way have having the complete form hidden on submit and to only show the thank you message.



By ross - January 27, 2017

Hi Kenny

You only see the "thank you" message in that screenshot because I cropped it that way. 

I have an idea for if you just want a "thank you" message with no more form, though.

Build yourself a simple page that only displays the thank you message and have the form redirect to that.

Make sense?

Give it a shot and let me know any questions.

Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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By Twocans - January 27, 2017

Thanks Ross,
Yes I can do that, but I had thought maybe it was a bug and just thought lol I would report it.



By ross - January 27, 2017

Got it.  

Just a crop. Not a bug :).

Thanks, Kenny!

Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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