Newsletter Builder: Changelog

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*** December 29, 2023 - Version 3.07 Released

- MySQL 8 Support: Renamed reserved MysQL column name "function" to "functionName" (CMS v3.61 required)
- Misc Code and other minor improvements.


*** October 5, 2022 - Version 3.06 Released

- Differentiate error/success messages on Manage Subscriptions page
- PHP 8.1 Compatibility


*** June 16, 2017 - Version 3.05 Released

- Updated to work with PHP 7


*** January 14, 2016 - Version 3.04 Released

- Updated to work with CMS 3.00


*** May 21, 2015 - Version 3.03

Bug Fixes & Changes
- Related messages num now appears in newsletter log when user cancels all subscriptions.


*** March 19, 2014 - Version 3.02 Released (Security Update)

Security Notice
- This release patches a security issue where users who had access to create newsletter messages could
potentially insert carefully crafted PHP code into the HTML of the message to execute PHP with the
same permissions as the web server.

Bug Fixes & Changes
- updated Manager URL suffix to mention https:// as well as http://
- Fixed PHP error: Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead


*** September 30, 2013 - Version 3.01 Released (Maintenance Release)

UPGRADING TO v3.00? Read upgrade instructions in readme.txt first!

New Features
- Newsletter Settings: Added new "Return-Path" email for collecting bounce messages from invalid member emails
- Newsletter Templates: Added field for custom CSS
- Email HTML: CSS is now displayed in html header and body for maximum compatibility with different email clients

Bug Fixes & Minor Changes
- Optimization: Mailing Lists "Subscriber Count" code, click "recalculate" on Mailing Lists menu to update counts
- Counts are also automatically updated on: mass add emails, mass remove emails, "add all subscribers", edit mailing list, and save mailing list
- Log Optimization: Blank log entries that indicate nothing was mailed are only stored for 10 minutes (to reduce total log records)
- Usability: Removed Plugin Menu link "Newsletter Mailer". Newsletters should be automatically sent via: Admin > General > Background Tasks
- Misc Code and other minor improvements


*** September 6, 2013 - Version 3.00 Released (Multiple List Support)

UPGRADING TO v3.00? Read upgrade instructions in readme.txt first!

New Features
- Multiple Mailing Lists: Multiple mailing lists can now be created and users can choose which to subscribe to.
- Dynamic Mailing Lists: You can now create mailing lists with custom search queries or database queries.
- Subscriber Tables: You can now specify which table to use for list subscribers table as the source of subscriber emails (such as the CMS accounts table)
- Improved Mailer: Mailing is now handled by CMS Task Scheduler. Setup under: Admin > General > Background Tasks
- Subscriber Placeholders: When available, subscriber fields can be displayed with #subscriber.fieldname# (eg: fullname)
- Message Placeholders: When available, these newsletter fields can be displayed #newsletter.num# and #newsletter.subject#
- Custom Placeholders: You can now add custom placeholders by creating a file: newsletterBuilder-custom-placeholders.php

Bug Fixes & Minor Changes
- Mailer Process: Old mailing script 'background-mailer.php' updated to display message to not use it anymore.
- CMS Menus: Newsletter "Menugroup" separator is no longer recreated if you remove it (so it can be removed if not needed)
- Placeholders: Removed internal placeholders: subscriber_num
- Language: Added more language text to translation files


*** November 13, 2012 - Version 2.03 Released (Scheduled Send & Templates)

New Features
- Scheduled Send: You can now specify a future date when a newsletter will be emailed out.
- Templates: Create multiple email templates to control the look & feel of sent emails
- Log Data: Added data for: emails of unsubscribers, urls of clicked links, imported emails, test mailout emails
- Log Seaching: Added advanced log search options for: Event type, subscriber num, message num

Bug Fixes & Minor Changes
- Removed 'email header' and 'email footer' fields, moved content into "custom" template
- Language: Added more language text to translation files


*** October 3, 2012 - Version 2.02 Released (Maintenance Release)

Bug Fixes & Minor Changes
- Compatibility: HTML Messages now include inline stylesheet so paragraph <p> tags display correctly on Yahoo Mail
- Compatibility: Ampersand & characters are now correctly HTML encoded in url of message open tracking image
- Compatibility: Text-only email clients will now display a link to the newsletter archive if it has been defined.
- Background Mailer: Example code now shows "php -q" in front of command line to be run for cronjob or schedule process


*** September 13, 2012 - Version 2.01 Released (Official Release)

Bug Fixes & Minor Changes
- Optimization: Opens and Clicks are only calculated for messages that have been mailed
- Code Generator: Archive page now sorts archives and messages by date (instead of database order)


*** September 6, 2012 - Version 2.00 Beta Released (Tracking, Reporting & Archive Features)

New Features
- Open Tracking: Message Menu now displays the number of users who opened or viewed a message
- Click Tracking: Message Menu now displays the times message links were clicked and total users who clicked
- Advanced Logging: Entries are tracked for: Subscribes, Confirms, Unsubscribes, Sent Messages, Opens, and Views
- Subscriber History: Subscriber menu shows history of user actions from Log Menu
- Archive Only: New option allows you to add old newsletters or content to online archive without sending mailout
- Faster Mailing: Mailer routines have been optimized to process emails faster and minimize required disk space

Bug Fixes & Minor Changes
- Changed major version number to 2.00 to signify major new features and changes
- Edit Message: Displayed "Publish / Sent" date can now be changed on mailed and archived messages (used to sort in web archive)
- Create Message: #unsubscribe_url# is no longer required in message content (not always applicable)
- Create Message: Added new "Confirm Send" checkbox to prevent mailouts without explicit user intervention
- Background Mailer: To save disk space newsletter messages are no longer saved in _outgoing_mail
- Code Generator: Fixed "<< Go Back" button


*** September 1, 2012 - Version 1.01 Released (Maintenance Release)

*NOTE* This upgrade requires v2.17 of the CMS, be sure to upgrade the CMS before you upgrade the plugin!

New Features
- Background Mailer: If no messages are pending then no output is returned on command-line to prevent needless cronjob emails

Bug Fixes & Code Changes
- Background Mailer: Added new BACKGROUND_SEND_WEB_MAX option to allow a different limit for the web interface
- Background Mailer: Fixed issues where "You must be logged in as Admin" would be displayed if membership plugin wasn't in use
- Background Mailer: Fixed cronjob warnings: "Undefined index: SCRIPT_NAME" and "Undefined index: HTTP_HOST"
- Fixed issue were message encoding caused some email readers to display HTML sourcecode instead of proper message
- Fixed issue were it wasn't possible to save test emails if they had extra whitespace around them.


*** August 28, 2011 - Version 1.00 Released (Public Release)

- First Release
